Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
Showing All 3396 Items.
  Show Paging 

ABBOT, HOWARD S. (1843-?) Union Lieutenant – 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

# abbothowards

ABBOTT & COSTELLO American Comedy Duo

# abbottandcostello

ABBOTT, AMOS (1786-1868) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1843-49; A Founder of the Boston & Portland Railway

# abbottamos

ABBOTT, CHARLES, BARON TENTERDEN (1762-1832) Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench – 1818-32

# abbottcharles

ABBOTT, JOSEPH C. (1825-81) Brevetted Union Brigadier General for the Capture of Fort Fisher; Union Colonel – 7th New Hampshire Infantry

# abbottjosephc

ABBOTT, LYMAN J. (1835-1922) American Congregationalist Theologian, Editor, and Author

# abbottlymanj

ABBOTT, RHODA MARY (1873-1946) Only surviving female passenger who went down with the RMS Titanic

# abbottrhodamary

ABEL, ORAMEL H. (1834-1904) Union Lieutenant - 114th Illinois Infantry; City Clerk of Springfield, Illinois

# abeloramelh

ABERCROMBIE, JOHN JOSEPH (1798-1877) Union Brigadier General

# abercrombiejohnjoseph

ABERCROMBIE, LASCELLES (1881-1938) English Poet & Critic

# abercrombiel

ABERCROMBY, RALPH (1734-1801) Lieutenant General in the British Army, served in the Seven Years’ War and the French Revolutionary Wars; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Alexandria, died March 28, 1801; Governor of Trinidad – 1797

# abercrombyralph

ABERNETHY, JOHN (1764-1831) English Surgeon

# abernethyjohn

ACOSTA, JOSEPH (José) de (1539 or 1540-1600) Spanish Jesuit Missionary & Naturalist in Latin America

# acostajd

ADAMS, ABIGAIL (1744-1818) U.S. First Lady – 1797-1801; Wife of U.S. President John Adams

# adamsabigail

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, III (1866-1954) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1929-33; Grandson of John Quincy Adams; Great-Grandson of John Adams

# adamscfIII

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, JR. (1835-1915) American Author & Historian; Union Brevet Brigadier General & Colonel – 5th Massachusetts Colored Volunteer Cavalry during the American Civil War

# adamscfjr

Son of Charles Francis Adams; Grandson of John Quincy Adams; Great-Grandson of John Adams

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, SR. (1807-86) American Author & Diplomat; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1859-61; Appointed U.S. Minister to England by President Lincoln – 1861-68; Son of President John Quincy Adams; Grandson of President John Adams

# adamscfsr

ADAMS, CHARLES HENRY (1824-1902) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-77; First Mayor of Cohoes, New York – 1870-72

# adamsch

ADAMS, DANIEL WEISIGER (1821-72) Confederate Brigadier General

# adamsdanielweisiger

ADAMS, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1801-29) American Attorney & Politician; Eldest Son of President John Quincy Adams

# adamsgeorgewashington

ADAMS, JOHN (1735-1826) Second U.S. President – 1797-1801; U.S. Vice President – 1789-97; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Delegate to the Continental Congress – 1774-78

# adamsjohn

ADAMS, JOHN (1825-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee – November 30, 1864

# adamsjohncsa

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY (1767-1848) Sixth U.S. President - 1825-29; U.S. Secretary of State 1817-25; U.S. Senator – Massachusetts – 1803-08; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1831-48

# adamsjq

ADAMS, LLEWELYN SHERMAN (1899-1986) White House Chief of Staff for President Dwight D. Eisenhower – 1953-58; Governor of New Hampshire – 1949-53; U.S. Representative – New Hampshire – 1945-47

# adamsllewelynsherman

ADAMS, LOUISA CATHERINE (1775-1852) U.S. First Lady – 1825-29; Wife of U.S. President John Quincy Adams

# adamslc

ADAMS, ROBERT NEWTON (1835-1914) Union Brevet Brigadier General – 81st Ohio Infantry

# adamsrobertnewton

ADAMS, SAMUEL (1722-1803) American Statesman & Founding Father; Governor of Massachusetts - 1794-97

# adamssamuel

ADAMS, STEPHEN (1807-57) U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1852-57

# adamsstephen

ADAMS, WILLIAM HERBERT (1861-1954) Governor of Colorado – 1927-33

# adamswilliamherbert

ADAMS, WILLIAM WIRT (1819-88) Confederate Brigadier General

# adamsww

ADANSON, MICHEL (1727-1806) French Botanist & Naturalist

# 17910212

ADDAMS, JANE (1860-1935) American Social Reformer & Feminist; Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize - 1931

# addamsj

ADDISON, JOSEPH (1672-1719) English Essayist & Politician

# addisonj

ADE, GEORGE (1866-1944) American Writer & Newspaper Columnist

# adeg

ADELAIDE (1792-1849) Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland – 1830-37; Wife of King William IV

# adelaide

ADENAUER, KONRAD (1876-1967) German Statesman; First Chancellor of West Germany – 1949-63

# adenauerkonrad

ADLER, ALFRED W. (1870-1937) Austrian Medical Doctor and Psychotherapist

# adleralfredw

ADLER, LARRY (1914-2001) American Musician

# adlerlarry

ADOLPHUS, GUSTAVUS (1594-1632) King of Sweden - 1611-32

# adolphusgustavus

ADRIAN VI (1459-1523) Dutch-Born Pope - 1522-23

# adrianVI

AFFRE, DENYS AUGUSTE (1793-1848) Archbishop of Paris – 1840-48

# affredenysauguste

AGASSIZ, JEAN LOUIS (1807-73) Swiss-Born Biologist & Geologist

# agassizjeanlouis

AGNUS, FELIX (1839-1925) French-born Sculptor, Newspaper Publisher, and Soldier; Union Brevet Brigadier General of the American Civil War

# agnusfelix

AGUESSEAU, HENRI FRANCOIS D’ (1668-1751) Chancellor of France, three times from 1717-50

# aguesseauhenrifrancoisd

AIKEN, DAVID WYATT (1828-87) Confederate Army Officer during the American Civil War; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1877-87

# aikendavidwyatt

AKIN, WARREN, SR. (1811-77) Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1864-65

# akinwarrensr

ALBERT (1819-1861) Prince Consort of the United Kingdom & Husband of Queen Victoria – 1840-61

# albert

ALBERT OF BRANDENBURG (1490-1545) German Cardinal & Elector; Archbishop of Mainz – 1514-45; Archbishop of Magdeburg – 1513-45

# albertofbrandenburg

ALBRIGHT, FONTAINE E. (1845-?) Prominent Attorney in Cairo & Murphysboro, Illinois

# albrightfontainee

ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-88) American Novelist & Poet

# alcottlouisamay

ALDEN, ALONZO (1834-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# aldena

ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) American Author & Editor

# aldrichtb

ALEMBERT, JEAN-BAPTISTE le ROND d’ (1717-83) French Mathematician, Physicist, Philosopher, and Music Theorist

# alembertjbler

ALEXANDER I (1777-1825) Emperor of Russia – 1801-25

# alexanderI

ALEXANDER II (1818-81) Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland – 1855-81; Emancipated the Serfs in 1861; Sold Alaska to the United States in 1867; Assassinated in St. Petersburg on March 13, 1881

# alexanderII

ALEXANDER III (circa 1100-1181) Italian-Born Pope – 1159-81

# alexanderIIIds

ALEXANDER IV (circa 1185 or 1199-1261) Italian-born Pope – 1254-61

# alexanderIV

ALEXANDER VI (1431-1503) Spanish-born Pope – 1492-1503

# alexanderVI

ALEXANDER, ANDREW JONATHAN (1833-87) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Captain – 3rd U.S. Cavalry; Brevetted for Gallantry at the Cavalry Engagements at Ebenezer Church, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia

# alexanderaj

ALEXANDER, BARTON S. (1819-78) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# alexanderbs

ALEXANDER, EDWARD PORTER (1835-1910) Confederate Brigadier General

# alexanderep

ALEXANDER, JEDIAH FRANKLIN (1827-?) Officer in the St. Louis & Southeastern Railway; Resident of Greenville, Illinois

# alexanderjedediahfranklin

ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, LORD STIRLING (1726-83) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army

# alexanderwilliam

ALEXANDRA OF DENMARK (1844-1925) Queen Consort of the United Kingdom - 1901-10; Wife of Edward VII

# alexandraofdenmark

ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) Italian Dramatist & Poet

# affieriv

ALGER, HORATIO, JR. (1832-99) American Writer

# algerhoratiojr

ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER (1836-1907) Union Officer of Michigan Cavalry in the American Civil War; Union Brevet Major General; U.S. Secretary of War – 1897-99; Governor of Michigan – 1885-87; U.S. Senator – Michigan – 1902-07

# algerrussellalexander

ALLEN, ETHAN (1737-89) American Revolutionary War – Colonel in the Continental Army & Major General of Vermont Militia

# allene

ALLEN, HENRY WATKINS (1820-66) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Governor of Louisiana – 1864-65

# allenhenrywatkins

ALLEN, IRA (1751-1814) A Founder of the State of Vermont; Leader of the Green Mountain Boys; Younger brother of Ethan Allen

# alleni

ALLEN, IRA WILDER (1827-?) Prominent Educator in Chicago, Illinois

# allenirawilder

ALLEN, JONATHAN ADAMS (1825-?) Prominent Physician & Educator in Chicago, Illinois; Official Surgeon-in-Chief of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company

# allenjonathanadams

ALLEN, ROBERT (1811-86) Union Brigadier General

# allenrobert

ALLEN, WILLIAM WIRT (1835-94) Confederate Major General - Alabama

# allenwilliamwirt

ALLEN, WILLIS (1806-59) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1851-55

# allenwillis

ALLENBY, EDMUND H.H. (1861-1936) British Field Marshal

# allenbyedmundhh

ALLISON, ABRAHAM K. (1814-93) Confederate State Senator – Florida - 1862-64; Captain of the Franklin Rifles during the Seminole War; U.S. Representative – Florida - 1845, 1847, and 1852; Governor of Confederate Florida - 1865

# allisonak

ALLISON, WILLIAM BOYD (1829-1908) U.S. Senator – Iowa - 1873-1908; U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1863-71

# allisonwilliamboyd

ALLSTON, BENJAMIN (1833-1900) Confederate Colonel – South Carolina

# allstonbenjamin

ALLYN, ROBERT (1817-94) President of the Southern Illinois Normal University in Carbondale, Illinois

# allynrobert

ALTMAN, BENJAMIN (1840-1913) New York City Department Store Owner & Art Collector

# altmanb

ALVORD, BENJAMIN (1813-84) Union Brigadier General; Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – 1833; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars

# alvordbenjamin

AMBLER, JACOB A. (1829-1906) U.S. Congressman - Ohio - 1869-73

# amblerja

AMBOISE, GEORGES d' (1460-1510) French Roman Catholic Cardinal & Minister of State

# amboiseg

AMDAHL, BJARNE F. (1903-68) Norwegian Pianist, Composer, and Orchestra Conductor

# amdahlbf


# americanexpress

AMES, ADELBERT (1835-1933) Union Brigadier General – Maine; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1870-74; Governor of Mississippi – 1868-70 & 1874-76

# amesa

AMES, MARY CLEMMER/MRS. EDMUND HUDSON (1839-84) American Author & Journalist – Known for Her “Woman’s Letter from Washington”

# clemmermaryclemmer

AMES, MINER THOMAS (1839-90) Prominent Businessman in Chicago, Illinois; Buried in Graceland Cemetery

# amesminerthomas

AMHERST, JEFFERY (1717-97) British Army Field Marshal; Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in North America – 1758-63 - during the Seven Years' War

# amherstj

AMHERST, WILLIAM PITT, 1ST EARL AMHERST (1773-1857) British Diplomat; Governor-General of India – 1823-28

# amherstwilliampitt

AMMEN, DANIEL (1820-98) U.S. Rear Admiral; Union Naval Officer

# ammend

AMMEN, JACOB (1806-94) Union Brigadier General

# ammenjacob

AMPERE, ANDRE-MARIE (1775-1836) French Physicist, founded and named the science of Electrodynamics

# ampeream

AMYOT, JACQUES (1513-93), French Renaissance Writer & Translator

# amyotj

ANCONA, SYDENHAM ELNATHAN (1824-1913) U.S. Representative - Pennsylvania – 1861-67

# anconasydenhamelnathan

ANCRUM, JOHN LAWRENCE (1839-1900) Confederate Navy Surgeon

# ancrumjohnlawrence

ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-75) Danish Author

# andersenhc

ANDERSON, GEORGE BURGWYN (1831-62) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Sharpsburg

# andersongeorgeburgwyn

ANDERSON, GEORGE THOMAS “TIGE” (1824-1901) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# andersongeorgethomas

ANDERSON, JAMES PATTON (1822-72) Confederate Major General - Florida

# andersonjp

ANDERSON, JOSEPH H. (1800-70) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-47

# andersonjosephh

ANDERSON, JOSEPH REID (1813-92) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Superintendent of the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia

# andersonjosephreid

ANDERSON, JOSIAH McNAIR (1807-61) Pro-Secession U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1849-51; Murdered near Whitwell, Tennessee - November 8, 1861; Colonel of Tennessee Militia

# andersonjosephmcnair

ANDERSON, MARIAN (1897-1993) African-American Contralto

# andersonmarian

ANDERSON, RICHARD CLOUGH, SR. (1750–1826) American Revolutionary War – Lieutenant Colonel in the Virginia Militia; Father of Robert Anderson, Union commander at Fort Sumter during the opening engagement of the Civil War

# andersonrichardcloughsr

ANDERSON, RICHARD HERON (1821-79) Confederate Lieutenant General - South Carolina

# andersonrh

ANDERSON, ROBERT (1805-71) Union Brigadier General – Kentucky; Defender of Fort Sumter in the opening engagement of the American Civil War

# andersonrobert

ANDERSON, ROBERT HOUSTON (1835-88) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# andersonroberthouston

ANDERSON, SAMUEL READ (1804-83) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Postmaster of Nashville, Tennessee – 1853-61

# andersonsamuelread

ANDERSON, WILLIAM BLACK (1830-1901) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 60th Illinois Infantry; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1871-75

# andersonwilliamblack

ANDERSON, WILLIAM EDWARD (1833-1908) Confederate General of Florida Militia

# andersonwilliamedward

ANDRE, JOHN (1750- 80) American Revolutionary War, Major in the British Army; Hanged as a spy by the Continental Army for assisting Benedict Arnold's attempted surrender of the fort at West Point, New York to the British

# andrej

ANDREW, JOHN ALBION (1818-67) Governor of Massachusetts – 1861-66, instrumental in enlisting some of the first units of Colored Troops for the Union, including the 54th Massachusetts Infantry

# andrewjohnalbion

ANDREWS, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1829-1922) Union Brigadier General

# andrewschristophercolumbus

ANDREWS, ELIZA FRANCES (1840-1931) American Educator & Writer; Author of “Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl: 1864-65”

# andrewselizafrances

ANDREWS, GEORGE LEONARD (1828-99) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# andrewsgeorgeleonard

ANDREWS, GEORGE LIPPITT (1828-1920) U.S. Army Officer – Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel & Colonel in the 17th U.S. Infantry for gallantry at the Battles of Second Bull Run and Chancellorsville

# andrewsgeorgelippitt

ANGERSTEIN, JOHN JULIUS (1735-1823) English Businessman & Art Collector

# angersteinjohnjulius

ANNE (1665-1714) Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland – 1702-07; Queen of Great Britain – 1707-14

# anne

ANNE OF FRANCE (1461-1522) French Princess, eldest daughter of King Louis XI; Served as Queen Regent – 1483-91 - during the minority of her brother, Charles VIII

# anneoffrance

ANTHONY, HENRY B. (1815-84) U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1859-84; Governor of Rhode Island – 1849-51

# anthonyhb

ANTHONY, SUSAN B. (1820-1906) American Social Reformer

# anthonysusanb


# antietamparole

ANTIN, DUKE OF, Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin (1664-1736) French Nobleman

# antinla

ANTOINETTE, MARIE (1755-93) Queen of France – 1774-92; Executed by guillotine in Paris on October 16, 1793

# antoinettemarie

ANVILLE, JEAN-BAPTISTE BOURGUIGNON d’ (1697-1782) French Geographer and Cartographer

# anvillejbb

APPLETON, JOHN (1815-64) U.S. Congressman – Maine – 1853-55; Assistant U.S. Secretary of State – 1857-60

# appletonj

APPLETON, WILLIAM (1786-1862) Civil War U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts - 1861

# appletonw

ARBOS, ENRIQUE FERNANDEZ (1863-1939) Spanish Violinist, Composer, and Conductor

# arbosef

ARBUTHNOT, MARIOT (1711-94) British Admiral during the American Revolutionary War

# arbuthnotmariot

ARCHBOLD, JOHN D. (1848-1916) American Financier; Co-founder of Standard Oil Company

# archboldjohnd

ARCHER, JAMES JAY (1817-64) Confederate Brigadier General - Texas

# archerjamesjay

ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856-1924) Scottish Writer & Theatre Critic

# archerwilliam

ARISTA, MARIANO (1802-55) Mexican Army Commander during the Mexican-American War – 1846-48; President of Mexico – 1851-53

# aristamariano

ARKWRIGHT, RICHARD (1732-92) English Inventor

# arkwrightrichard

ARLISS, GEORGE (1868-1946) English Actor, Author, Playwright, and Filmmaker, the first British actor to win an Academy Award

# arlissgeorge

ARMISTEAD, LEWIS ADDISON (1817-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863

# armisteadlewisaddison

ARMSTRONG, FRANK CRAWFORD (1835-1909) Confederate Brigadier General – Indian Territory; U.S. Indian Inspector – 1885-89; Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs – 1893-95

# armstrongfrankcrawford

ARMSTRONG, LOUIS (1901-71) American Jazz Trumpeter and Vocalist

# armstronglouis

ARMSTRONG, NEIL ALDEN (1930-2012) American Astronaut; First man to walk on the Moon

# armstrongneilalden

ARNAUD, FRANCOIS-THOMAS-MARIE de BACULARD d’ (1718-1805) French Writer & Playwright

# arnaudfrancoisthomas

ARNAULD, ANTOINE (1560-1619) French Attorney & Politician; Counsellor of State under Henry IV

# arnauldantoine

ARNOLD, BENEDICT (1741-1801) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; Defected to the British in 1780

# arnoldbenedict

ARNOLD, ISAAC NEWTON (1815-84) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1861-65

# arnoldisaacnewton

ARNOLD, LEWIS GOLDING (1817-71) Union Brigadier General

# arnoldlewisgolding

ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1833-88) British Author & Poet

# arnoldmatthew

ARNOLD, RICHARD (1828-82) Union Brigadier General

# arnoldrichard

ARTHUR III, ARTHUR de RICHEMONT (1393-1458) Duke of Brittany – 1457-58

# arthurIII

ARTHUR, CHESTER A. (1830-86) Twenty-First U.S. President - 1881-85; U.S. Vice President – 1881; Civil War Quartermaster General of New York

# arthurchestera

ASBOTH, ALEXANDER (1811-68) Hungarian-born Union Brigadier General

# asbothalexander

ASHBY, TURNER (1828-62) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action near Harrisonburg, Virginia – June 6, 1862

# ashbyturner

ASHLEY, JAMES MITCHELL (1824-96) Abolitionist U.S. Congressman – 1859-69; Governor of the Montana Territory – 1869-70

# ashleyjm

ASHLEY-COOPER, CROPLEY, 6th EARL OF SHAFTESBURY (1735-1823) British Politician; Member of Parliament – 1790-1811

# ashleycoopercropley

ASHMUN, GEORGE (1804-70) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1845-51; President of the 1860 Republican National Convention at Chicago; Director of the Union Pacific Railroad Company

# ashmung

Met with President Lincoln at the Executive Mansion on the evening of April 14, 1865, shortly before he departed for Ford’s Theater

ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1763-1848) German-Born American Merchant, Fur Trader & Investor

# astorjohnjacob

ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1822-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Served on the staff of General George B. McClellan

# astorjohnjacob


# astronauts


# apollo11


# apollo13


# apollo9


# astronautsmercury

ATCHISON, DAVID RICE (1807-1886) U.S. President – March 4, 1849 - as President-elect Zachary Taylor refused to be sworn-in on a Sunday; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1843-55; Confederate State Militia Officer

# atchisondr

ATKINS, JOHN DeWITT CLINTON (1825-1908) Confederate Congressman – Tennessee – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1857-59 & 1873-83; U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs – 1885-88

# atkinsjohndewittclinton

ATKINSON, ARCHIBALD (1792-1872) Served in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1843-49

# atkinsona

AUDEN, WYNSTAN HUGH (1907-73) British-American Poet

# audenwynstanhugh

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851) Haitian-Born American Ornithologist, Naturalist & Painter; Published the “Birds of America,” 1827-38

# audubonjohnjames

AUGUR, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1821-98) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# augurchristophercolumbus

AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, DUKE OF SUSSEX (1773-1843) Son of King George III & Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

# augustusfrederickdukeofsussex

AUGUSTUS II (1670-1733) King of Poland - 1697-1706 & 1709-33

# augustusII

AUGUSTUS III (1696-1763) King of Poland - 1733-63

# augustusIII

AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) English Novelist; Author of “Sense and Sensibility,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Emma”

# austenjane

AUSTIN, HENRY SEYMOUR (1811-91) Prominent Attorney in Peoria and Chicago, Illinois; Agent for the Des Moines Land Company in the 1830s, instrumental in establishing the towns of Montrose and Keokuk, Iowa

# austinhenryseymour

AUSTIN, STEPHEN F. (1793-1836) Leader in the Texas Revolution; Texas Secretary of State – 1836

# austinsf

AVERELL, ALBERT JAMES (1823-96) Steamboat Captain in California during the Gold Rush; Prominent Land Speculator in Chicago, Illinois

# averellalbertjames

AVERELL, WILLIAM WOODS (1832-1900) Union Brigadier General

# averellwilliamwoods

AVERETT, THOMAS H. (1800-55) Served as a Drummer Boy in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1849-53

# averettth

AVERILL, JOHN THOMAS (1825-89) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Minnesota - 1871-75

# averilljohnthomas

AVERY, ROBERT (1839-1912) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 102nd New York Infantry

# averyrobert

AXTELL, SAMUEL BEACH (1819-91) U.S. Congressman – California – 1867-71; Governor of the New Mexico Territory – 1875-78

# axtellsb

AYER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1825-1903) Prominent Attorney & Chicago, Illinois Corporation Counsel – 1861-65; Burial in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois

# ayerbenjaminfranklin

AYER, LEWIS MALONE, JR. (1821-95) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1862-65

# ayerlewismalonejr

AYRES, ROMEYN BECK (1825-88) Union Brigadier General

# ayresromeynbeck

BABBITT, EDWIN B. (1804-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Chief Quartermaster – Department of the Pacific

# babbitteb

BABCOCK, LEANDER (1811-64) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1851-53; Mayor of Oswego, New York – 1850-51

# babcockl

BABCOCK, ORVILLE ELIAS (1835-84) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Personal secretary to President Ulysses S. Grant

# babcockorvilleelias

BACH, CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL (1714-88) German Musician & Composer; Son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach

# bachcpe

BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN (1685-1750) German Composer & Musician

# bachjs

BACHE, ALEXANDER D. (1806-67) First President – National Academy of Sciences – 1863-67; Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey – 1843-67; A Founder of the Smithsonian Institution; Great-Grandson of Benjamin Franklin

# bachead

BACON, THOMAS GLASCOCK (1812-76) Confederate Colonel – 7th South Carolina Infantry

# baconthomasglascock

BADEAU, ADAM (1831-95) Union Brevet Brigadier General – New York; Served as Staff Officer to General Ulysses S. Grant during the American Civil War, later as Private Secretary to President Grant

# badeaua

BADEN-POWELL, ROBERT (1857-1941) Lieutenant General in the British Army; Veteran of the Boer War; Founder of the Boy Scouts

# badenpowellrobert

BADER, DOUGLAS (1910-82) British Officer in the Royal Air Force during World War II

# baderdouglas

BAGBY, ARTHUR PENDLETON, JR. (1833-1921) Confederate Major General; Confederate Colonel – 7th Texas Cavalry; Son of Alabama Governor Arthur Pendleton Bagby

# bagbyarthurpendletonjr

BAGBY, WILLIAM SLEIGHTON (?-1862) Confederate Private – Company B, 1st Regiment Georgia Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Second Manassas – August 30, 1862

# bagbyws

BAGLEY, GEORGE AUGUSTUS (1826-1915) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-79

# bagleyga

BAGLEY, JOHN H., JR. (1832-1902) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-77 & 1883-85; Vice President of the Catskill Mountain Railway Company

# bagleyjhjr

BAILEY, JAMES EDMUND (1822-85) Confederate Colonel – 49th Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Senator - Tennessee – 1877-81

# baileyjamesedmund

* With Confederate General William A. Quarles.

BAILEY, JAMES MURRAY (1846-1921) Served in the 8th New York Heavy Artillery – 1863-64, severely wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor; Prominent Clergyman in Peoria, Illinois after the American Civil War; Buried in San Francisco, California

# baileyjamesmurray

BAILEY, JOHN W. (?-?) President of Blackburn College in Carlinville, Illinois – 1867-76

# baileyjohnw

BAILEY, JOSEPH (1825-67) Union Brigadier General

# baileyjoseph

BAILEY, THEODORUS (1805-77) U.S. Navy officer during the American Civil War

# baileytheodorus

BAIRD, ABSALOM (1824-1905) Union Brigadier General; Medal of Honor Recipient

# bairdabsalom

BAKER, ALPHEUS (1828-91) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# bakeralpheus

BAKER, EDWARD DICKINSON (1811-61) Union Major General of Volunteers, Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff - October 21, 1861; Union Colonel – 71st Pennsylvania Infantry

# bakeredwarddickinson

Served in the Mexican War; U.S. Congressman – Illinois – 1845-47 & 1849-51; U.S. Senator – Oregon – 1860-61; Close friend of President Abraham Lincoln

BAKER, JAMES McNAIR (1821-92) Confederate Senator – Florida – 1862-65

# bakerjamesmcnair

BAKER, JOHN H. (1832-1915) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1875-81

# bakerjh

BAKER, JOSEPHINE (1906-75) American-born French Entertainer, French Resistance Agent, and Civil Rights Activist

# bakerj

BAKER, LAFAYETTE CURRY (1826-68) Union Spy; Provost Marshal & Chief of the National Police/U.S. Secret Service – 1862-63; Union Colonel – First Washington, DC Cavalry

# bakerlafayettecurry

BAKER, LAURENCE SIMMONS (1830-1907) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina

# balerlaurencesimmons

BAKER, NEWTON D., JR. (1871-1937) U.S. Secretary of War – 1916-21; Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio – 1912-15

# bakernewtondjr

BAKER, OSMYN (1800-75) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1840-45

# bakero

BAKER, SAMUEL A. (1874-1933) Governor of Missouri - 1925-29

# bakersamuela

BAKER, WILLIAM H. (1827-1911) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-79

# bakerwh

BALDWIN, ABRAHAM (1754-1807) American Revolutionary War, Continental Army Chaplain; Signer of the U.S. Constitution; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1799-1807; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1789-99; Founder of the University of Georgia

# baldwinabraham

BALDWIN, FRANK DWIGHT (1842-1923) Union Officer – 19th Michigan Infantry; U.S. Army Brigadier General – Spanish-American War; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

# baldwinfrankdwight

BALDWIN, JOHN BROWN (1820-73) Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1862-65

# baldwinjohnbrown

BALDWIN,WILLIAM EDWIN (1827-64) Confederate Brigadier General - Mississippi

# baldwinwilliamedwin

BALLIER, JOHN F. (1815-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 21st & 98th Pennsylvania Infantries; Member of the Military Commission which tried Confederate Captain Henry Wirz, Commandant of Andersonville

# ballierjohnf

BALLIER, JOHN F. (1815-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 21st & 98th Pennsylvania Infantries; Member of the Military Commission which Tried Confederate Captain Henry Wirz - Commandant of Andersonville

# ballierjohnf

BALLOCH, GEORGE W. (1825-1907) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel – 5th New Hampshire Infantry; Chief Disbursing Officer – Freedmen’s Bureau – 1865-71

# ballochgw

BALUZE, ETIENNE (1630-1718) French Scholar & Historiographer, also known as Stephanus Baluzius

# baluzeetienne

BANGS, GEORGE H. (circa 1831-1883) Pinkerton Detective During the Civil War; Union Intelligence Officer and Secret Service Agent

# bangsgh

BANKS, JOSEPH (1740-1820) English Naturalist & Botanist

# banksjoseph

BANKS, JOSEPH (1743-1820) English Naturalist & Botanist; President of the Royal Society – 1778-1820

# banksjoseph

BANKS, NATHANIEL PRENTISS (1816-94) Union Major General – Massachusetts; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1855-57; Governor of Massachusetts – 1858-61

# banksnathanielprentissrentice

BANNING, HENRY B. (1836-81) Union Brevet Major General; Union Lieutenant Colonel – 125th Ohio Infantry; Union Colonel – 87th, 121st & 195th Ohio Infantries; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1873-79

# banninghb

BARBER, FRANCIS (1750-83) American Revolutionary War, Colonel in the Continental Army – 3rd New Jersey Regiment

# barberfrancis

Wounded at the Battles of Monmouth and Newton; Killed by a falling tree while on his way to dine with General Washington, February 2, 1783


BARBOUR, JAMES (1775-1842) U.S. Secretary of War – 1825-28; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1815-25; U.S. Minister to England – 1828-29; Governor of Virginia – 1812-14

# barbourj

BARING-GOULD, SABINE (1834-1924) Anglican Priest & Hymnwriter, best known for composing “Onward, Christian Soldiers”

# baringgouldsabine

BARKHORN, GERHARD (1919-83) German Officer in the Luftwaffe during World War II

# barkhorngerhard

BARKSDALE, ETHELBERT (1824-93) Confederate Congressman – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1883-87

# barksdaleethelbert

BARKSDALE, WILLIAM (1821-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 3, 1863; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1853-61

# barksdalewilliam

BARLOW, FRANCIS CHANNING (1834-96) Union Major General

# barloowfrancischanning

BARLOW, JOEL (1754-1812) American Poet, Diplomat & Politician; Revolutionary War Chaplain in a Massachusetts Brigade

# barlowjoel

BARNARD, DANIEL D. (1797-1861) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1839-45; U.S. Minister to Prussia – 1850-53

# barnarddd

BARNARD, JOHN GROSS (1815-82) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# barnardjohngross

BARNAVE, ANTOINE PIERRE JOSEPH MARIE (1761-93) French Politician & Orator; Executed in Paris during the Reign of Terror, November 29, 1793

# barnaveantoine

BARNES, JAMES (1806-69) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# barnesjames

BARNES, JOSEPH K. (1817-83) Union Brigadier General; Surgeon General of the U.S. Army – 1864-82

# barnesjosephk

BARNEY, ALBERT MILTON (1837-86) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 142nd New York Infantry

# barneyalbertmilton

BARNEY, CHARLES D. (1844-1945) American Stockbroker; Founder of Charles D. Barney & Company, a predecessor of Smith Barney

# barneycharlesd

BARNUM, HENRY ALANSON (1833-92) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

# barnumhenryalanson

BARNUM, PHINEAS T. (1810-91) American Showman & Businessman; Founder of Barnum & Bailey Circus; Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut – 1875-76

# barnumphineast

BARR, THOMAS J. (1812-81) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1859-61; New York City Police Commissioner – 1870-73

# barrtj

BARRET, JOHN R. (1825-1903) U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1859-61

# barretjr

BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) Scottish Novelist and Playwright; Creator of Peter Pan

# barriejamesmatthew

BARRIGER, JOHN WALKER (1832-1906) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# barrigerjohnwalker

BARRINGER, DANIEL M. (1806-73) U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1843-49; Member of the Committee on Indian Affairs – 1847-49; Delegate to the 1861 Peace Convention

# barringerdanielm

BARRINGTON, WILLIAM (1717-93) British Politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer - 1761-62; Member of Parliament – 1740-78

# barringtonwilliam

BARRON, JAMES (1768-1851) Commodore in the United States Navy; Served in the Quasi-War and the Barbary Wars

# barronjames

BARROW, CLYDE (1909-34) American Bank Robber & Criminal, partner of Bonnie Parker

# barrowclyde

BARRY, HENRY W. (1840-75) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 8th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery; U.S. Congressman – Mississippi – 1870-75

# barryhenryw

BARRY, JOHN (1745-1803) American Revolutionary War, Captain in the Continental Navy; Appointed U.S. Navy Commodore by President George Washington in 1797

# barryjohn

BARRY, MARIE JEANNE, MADAME DU (1743-93) Official Mistress of Louis XV of France; Executed in Paris during the Reign of Terror

# barrymariejeanne

BARRY, WILLIAM FARQUHAR (1818-79) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# barrywilliamfarquhar

BARRY, WILLIAM T. (1784-1835) U.S. Postmaster General – 1829-35; U.S. Senator – Kentucky - 1814-16

# barrywilliamt

BARRY, WILLIAM TAYLOR SULLIVAN (1821-68) Confederate Colonel – 35th Mississippi Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1853-55

# barrywilliamtaylorsullivan

BARSTOW, SIMON FORRESTER (1817-82) Union Officer, served on the staffs of Generals Frederick W. Lander, Irvin McDowell, Joseph Hooker, and George G. Meade

# barstowsimonforrester

BARSTOW, WILSON, JR. (1831-69) Union Brevet Brigadier General – 37th New York Infantry

# barstowwilsonjr

BART, JEAN (1650-1702) French Naval Commander & Privateer

# bartjean

BARTLETT, JOSEPH JACKSON (1834-93) Union Brigadier General - New York

# bartlettjosephjackson

BARTLETT, JOSIAH (1729-95) Signer of the Declaration of Independence & The Articles of Confederation; First Governor of New Hampshire - 1790-94

# bartlettjosiah

BARTLETT, THOMAS, JR. (1808–1876) U.S. Congressman - Vermont - 1851-53

# bartlettthjomasjr

BARTLETT, WILLIAM FRANCIS (1840-76) Union Brigadier General

# bartlettwilliamfrancis

BARTOK, BELA (1881-1945) Hungarian Composer & Pianist

# bartokbela

BARTON, CLARA (1821-1912) American Civil War Nurse; Founder of the Red Cross

# bartonc

BARTON, SETH MAXWELL (1829-1900) Confederate Brigadier General

# bartonsethmaxwell

BARTOW, FRANCIS STEBBINS (1816-61) Confederate Brigadier General of Georgia Militia; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of First Manassas – July 21, 1861

# bartowfrancisstebbins

BATCHELDER, RICHARD NAPOLEON (1832-1901) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

# batchelderrichardnapoleon

BATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# batewilliambrimage

BATES, EDWARD (1793-1869) U.S. Attorney General – 1861-64; U.S. Congressman – Missouri - 1827-29

# batesedward

BATES, JOHN COALTER (1842-1919) Union Captain & Brevet Major for service in the fall of Richmond; Veteran of the Indian Wars; U.S. Major General – Spanish-American War

# batesjohncoalter

BATHURST, HENRY, LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH (1744-1837) English Churchman; Bishop of Norwich – 1805-37

# bathursthenry

BATISTA, FULGENCIO (1901-73) President of Cuba - 1940-44; Cuban Dictator - 1952-59, overthrown by Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution

# batistafulgencio

BATSON, FELIX IVES (1819-71) Confederate Congressman – Arkansas – 1862-65

# batsonfelixives

BATTLE, CULLEN ANDREWS (1829-1905) Confederate Brigadier General - Alabama

# battlecullenandrews

BAUM, L. FRANK (1856-1919) American Author, best known for his Oz Series

# baumlfrank

BAXTER, DeWITT CLINTON (1829-81) American Artist & Engraver; Union Brevet Brigadier General of the American Civil War; Organized and led the 72nd Pennsylvania Volunteers, “Baxter’s Fire Zouaves”

# baxterdewittclinton

BAXTER, HENRY (1821-73) Union Brigadier General

# baxterhenry

BAYARD, GEORGE DASHIELL (1835-62) Union Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg – December 13,1862

# bayardgeorgedashiell

BAYARD, JAMES ASHETON, JR. (1799-1880) U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1851-64 & 1867-69

# bayardjamesashetonjr

BAYARD, PIERRE TERRAIL, CHEVALIER de (c. 1476-1524) French Knight at the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

# bayardpierreterrail

BAYARD, THOMAS FRANCIS (1828-98) U.S. Secretary of State – 1885-89; U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1869-85

# bayardthomasfrancis

BAYLE, PIERRE (1647-1706) French Huguenot Philosopher, Author, and Lexicographer

# baylepierre

BAYLOR, GEORGE (1752-84) Colonel & Brevet Brigadier General in the Continental Army, American Revolutionary War; Aide-de-Camp to General George Washington

# baylorgeorge

BAYLOR, JOHN ROBERT (1822-94) Confederate Colonel; First Confederate Governor of Arizona Territory – 1861-62; Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1864-65

# baylorjohnrobert

BAYLY, THOMAS H. (1810-56) Brigadier General of Virginia Militia – 1837-42; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1844-56

# baylythomash

BEACH, JAMES ALFRED (1839-88) Union Captain – 59th Illinois Infantry, heavily engaged at the Battles of Pea Ridge & Perryville; Prominent citizen and banker in Bunker Hill, Illinois after the American Civil War

# beachjamesalfred

BEAL, GEORGE LAFAYETTE (1825-96) Union Brigadier General - Maine

# bealgeorgelafayette

BEALL, WILLIAM NELSON RECTOR (1825-83) Confederate Brigadier General - Arkansas

# beallwilliamnelsonrector

BEARDSLEY, AUBREY (1872-98) English Illustrator and Author

# beardsleyaubrey

BEATLES, THE - English Rock Band

# beatles

BEATTY, JOHN (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 3rd Ohio Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1868-73

# beattyjohn

BEATTY, SAMUEL (1820-85) Union Brigadier General

# beattysamuel

BEAUREGARD, PIERRE GUSTAVE TOUTANT (1818-93) Confederate General; Commanded the Confederates who began the American Civil War with an artillery assault on Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Veteran of the Mexican War

# beauregardpgt

BEAVER, JAMES ADDAMS (1837-1914) Union Brigadier General, wounded four times during the American Civil War; Governor of Pennsylvania – 1887-91; Acting President of Pennsylvania State University – 1906-08

# beaverjamesaddams

BECKHAM, FONTAINE (1788-1859) Mayor of Harpers Ferry, Virginia – killed during John Brown’s raid on the U.S. Arsenal, October 17, 1859

# beckhamfontaine

BECKWITH, AMOS (1825-94) Union Brevet Major General; Staff Officer to General William Tecumseh Sherman

# beckwithamos

BEE, BARNARD ELLIOTT, JR. (1824-61) Confederate Brigadier General - South Carolina; Mortally wounded at the Battle of First Bull Run - July 21, 1861

# beebernardelliottjr

BEE, HAMILTON PRIOLEAU (1822-97) Confederate Brigadier General – Texas; Brother of Killed-in-Action Confederate General Barnard Bee; Speaker of the Texas State House of Representatives – 1855-57

# beehamiltonprioleau

BEEBE, GAYLORD DeWITT (1835-77) Prominent Physician in Chicago, Illinois; Appointed Brigade Surgeon by President Abraham Lincoln in 1861, served under Generals David Hunter, Henry W. Halleck, and George H. Thomas

# beebegaylorddewitt

BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-87) American Clergyman & Abolitionist; Brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the Author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

# beecherhenryward

BEEKMAN, CORNELIA CORTLANDT (1753-1847) Prominent American Revolutionary War Figure; Sister of Continental Army Brigadier General Philip Van Cortlandt

# beekmancorneliacortlandt

BEERS, FANNIE AMELIA (1832-94) Northern-born Confederate Nurse

# beersfannieamelia

BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827) German Composer & Pianist

# beethovenlv

BELKNAP, WILLIAM W. (1829-90) Union Brigadier General – Iowa; U.S. Secretary of War – 1869-76

# belknapww

BELL, ALEXANDER GRAHAM (1847-1922) Scottish-Born Scientist; Inventor of the Telephone

# bellalexandergraham

BELL, ALEXANDER MELVILLE (1819-1905) Scottish-Born Teacher & Researcher; Father of Alexander Graham Bell

# bellalexandermelville

BELL, HIRAM PARKS (1827-1907) Confederate Colonel – 43rd Georgia Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1864-65; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1873-75 & 1877-79

# bellhiramparks

BELL, JOHN (1797-1869) U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1860 – Constitutional Union Party; U.S. Secretary of War – 1841; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1847-59

# belljohn

BELL, PETER HANSBOROUGH (1810-98) Confederate Colonel; Governor of Texas – 1849-53; U.S. Representative – Texas – 1853-57

# bellpeterhansborough

BELL, TYREE HARRIS (1815-1902) Confederate Brigadier General

# belltyreeharris

BELLONTE, MAURICE (1896-1984) French Aviation Pioneer

# bellontemaurice

BEN-GURION, DAVID (1886-1973) Principal Founder & Frist Prime Minister of Israel - 1948-63

# benguriondavid

BENEDICT XIV (1675-1758) Italian-born Pope – 1740-58

# benedictXIV

BENHAM, HENRY WASHINGTON (1813-84) Union Brigadier General

# benhamhenrywashington

BENJAMIN, JUDAH PHILIP (1811-84) Confederate Attorney General, Secretary of War & Secretary of State; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1853-61

# benjaminjudahphilip

BENJAMIN, MARY A. (1905-98) American Dealer in Autographs & Manuscripts

# benjaminma

BENJAMIN, SAMUEL NICHOLL (1839-86) U.S. Army Officer; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for Distinguished Service during the American Civil War

# benjaminsamuelnicholl

BENJAMIN, WALTER R. (1854-1943) American Rare Book & Autograph Dealer

# benjaminwr

BENNING, HENRY LEWIS (1814-75) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# benninghenrylewis

BENSLEY, JOHN RUSSELL (1833-1900) Prominent Resident of Chicago, Illinois

# bensleyjr

BENTHAM, JEREMY (1747-1832) English Philosopher, Jurist, and Social Reformer, regarded as the founder of modern Utilitarianism

# benthamjeremy

BENTON, CHARLES S. (1810-82) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-47; Register of the U.S. Land Office at La Crosse, Wisconsin – 1856-61

# bentoncs

BENTON, JACOB (1814-92) U.S. Congressman - New Hampshire - 1867-71

# bentonj

BENTON, WILLIAM PLUMMER (1828-67) Union Brigadier General

# bentonwilliamplummer

BERDAN, HIRAM (1824-93) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 1st U.S. Sharpshooters

# berdanhiram

BERESFORD, WILLIAM-CARR, VISCOUNT BERESFORD (1768-1854) British Army General, served with the Duke of Wellington in the Peninsular War; Governor of Jersey – 1821-54

# beresfordwilliamcarr

BERIA, LAVRENTY PAVLOVICH (1899-1953) Russian Politician; Head of the NKVD under Stalin

# berialavrentypavlovich

BERLIN, IRVING (1888-1989) Russian-born American Composer & Songwriter

# berlinirving

BERLINER, EMILE (1851-1929) German-American Inventor

# berlineremile

BERNARD, FRANCIS (1714-79) English Governor of the Massachusetts Colony - 1760-69

# bernardfrancis

BERNARD, THOMAS (1750-1818) English Social Reformer & Advocate for the Poor & Needy; Son of Sir Francis Bernard, British Colonial Governor of the Provinces of New Jersey & Massachusetts Bay

# bernardthomas

BERNHARDT, SARAH (1844-1923) French Stage Actress

# bernhardtsarah

BERRIAN, JAMES M. (1781-1856) U.S. Attorney General – 1829-31; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1825-29 & 1845-52; Captain of the Georgia Hussars – War of 1812

# berrianjm

BERRY, HIRAM GREGORY (1824-63) Union Major General – Maine; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chancellorsville – May 3, 1863

# berryhiramgregory

BEVERIDGE, JOHN LOURIE (1824-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Governor of Illinois – 1873-77; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1871-73

# beveridgejohnlourie

BIBB, SOPHIA LUCY ANN (1801-87) Confederate Nurse

# bibbsophialucyann


# bickerdykemaryannball

BIDDLE, CHARLES JOHN (1819-73) Union Colonel – 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1861-63

# biddlecharlesjohn

BIDDLE, NICHOLAS (1786-1844) American Banker & Financier; President of the Second Bank of the United States – 1823-36

# biddlenicholas

BIDWELL, DANIEL DAVIDSON (1819-64) Union Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Cedar Creek – October 19, 1864

# bidwelldanieldavidson

BIERCE, AMBROSE G. (1842-1914?) Union Lieutenant – Indiana; American Author

# bierceambroseg

BIERSTADT, ALBERT (1830-1902) German-American Painter

# bierstadtalbert

BIGLER, WILLIAM (1814-80) Governor of Pennsylvania – 1852-55; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1856-61; President of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad

# biglerw

BINGHAM, HENRY HARRISON (1841-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional of Honor for action at the Battle of the Wilderness – May 6, 1864; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1879-1912

# binghamhenryharrison

BINGHAM, JOHN ARMOR (1815-1900) Assistant Judge Advocate General in the trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators; House Prosecutor in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1855-63 & 1865-73

# binghamjohnarmor

BINGHAM, JUDSON DAVID (1831-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel & Chief Quartermaster – Army of the Tennessee

# binghamjudsondavid

BINGHAM, KINSLEY S. (1808-61) Governor of Michigan – 1855-59; U.S. Senator – Michigan – 1859-61

# binghamks

BINGHAM, WILLIAM (1752-1804) Member of the Continental Congress; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania - 1795-1801; Founder of the Bank of North America; President of the Philadelphia & Lancaster Turnpike Company

# binghamwilliam

BIRAGUE, RENE DE (1506-83) Italian-born French Cardinal and Chancellor

# biraguerenede

BIRGE, HENRY WARNER (1825-88) Union Brigadier General

# birgehenrywarner

BIRNEY, DAVID BELL (1825-64) Union Major General

# birneydavidbell

BIRNEY, WILLIAM (1819-1907) Union Brigadier & Brevet Major General

# birneywilliam

BIZET, GEORGES (1838-75) French Composer

# bizetg

BLACK, JAMES (1793-1872) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1843-47

# blackj

BLACK, JAMES A. (1793-1848) U.S. Army Lieutenant in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1843-48

# blackja

BLACK, JEREMIAH S. (1810-83) U.S. Attorney General - 1857-60; U.S. Secretary of State - 1860-61

# blackjs

BLACK, JOHN CHARLES (1839-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1893-95

# blackjohncharles

BLACKBURN, JOSEPH CLAY STILES (1838-1918) Governor of the U.S. Panama Canal Zone - 1907-09; U.S. Senator – Kentucky; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War

# blackburnjcs

BLACKWELL, ALICE STONE (1857-1950) American Feminist, Journalist & Human Rights Advocate

# blackwellalicestone



BLAINE, JAMES G. (1830-93) U.S. Secretary of State - 1881 & 1889-92; U.S. Congressman – Maine – 1863-76; U.S. Senator – Maine – 1876-81; U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1884

# blainejamesg

BLAIR, AUSTIN (1818-94) Governor of Michigan - 1861-65; U.S. Representative - Michigan - 1867-73

# blairaustin

BLAIR, CHARLES WHITE (1829-99) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 14th Kansas Cavalry

# blaircharleswhite

BLAIR, CHAUNCEY BUCKLEY (1810-91) President of the Merchants’ National Bank of Chicago, Illinois

# blairchaunceybuckley

BLAIR, FRANCIS PRESTON, JR. (1821-75) Union Major General – Missouri; U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1857-62; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1871-73; Democratic Candidate for Vice President - 1868

# blairfrancisprestonjr

BLAIR, HENRY WILLIAM (1834-1920) Union Lieutenant Colonel – 15th New Hampshire Infantry; U.S. Senator – New Hampshire – 1879-91; U.S. Representative – 1875-79 & 1893-95

# blairhenrywilliam

BLAIR, MONTGOMERY (1813-83) U.S. Postmaster General - 1861-64; Brother of Francis P. Blair, Jr.; Mayor of St. Louis – 1842-43; Counsel for Dred Scott before the U.S. Supreme Court

# blairmontgomery

BLAIR, WILLIAM (1818-99) Prominent Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Director of the Merchants Bank of Chicago and the Chicago Gas and Coke Company

# blairwilliam

BLAKE, E. NELSON (1831-?) Prominent Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Co-Owner of the Dake Bakery; Member of the University of Chicago Board of Trustees

# blakeenelson

BLAKE, GEORGE ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1810-84) Union Brevet Major General; Served in the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# blakegeorgealexanderhamilton

BLANCHARD, ALBERT GALLATIN (1810-91) Confederate Brigadier General

# blanchardalbertgallatin

BLANCHARD, JAMES HUMPHREY (1872-1954) Prominent Post-Bellum Resident of Greenwood, Mississippi

# blanchardjameshenry

BLANDING, JAMES DOUGLAS (1821-1906) Confederate Colonel – 9th South Carolina Infantry

# blandingjamesdouglas

BLANDING, JAMES DOUGLAS (1821-1906) Confederate Colonel – 9th South Carolina Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Mayor of Sumter, South Carolina

# blandingjamesdouglas

BLANEY, JAMES VAN ZANT (1820-1874) Union Surgeon & Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, during the American Civil War; Served on the staff of General Philip H. Sheridan at the Battle of Winchester; Noted physician in Chicago, Illinois

# blaneyjamesvanzant

BLATCHFORD, SAMUEL M. (1820-93) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1882-93

# blatchfordsamuelm

BLENKER, LOUIS (1812-63) Union Brigadier General – New York

# blenkerlouis

BLIGH, WILLIAM (1754-1817) British Navy Officer; Commander of the HMS Bounty, mutinied in 1789; Governor of New South Wales – 1806-08

# blighw

BLISS, ARCHIBALD M. (1838-1923) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-83 & 1885-89; President & Vice President of the Bushwick Railroad Company – 1868-78; Director of the New York & Long Island Bridge Company

# blissarchibaldm

BLISS, ZENAS R. (1835-1900) Union Colonel – 7th & 10th Rhode Island Infantry; Medal of Honor Recipient for the Battle of Fredericksburg

# blisszenasr

BLOMBERG, WERNER VON (1878-1946) Minister of War & Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in Nazi Germany – 1935-38

# blombergwernervon

BLOUNT, WILLIAM (1749-1800) Signer of the U.S. Constitution; Governor of the Southwest Territory – 1790-96; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1796-97

# blountwilliam

BLOUNT, WILLIE (1768-1835) Governor of Tennessee – 1809-15

# blountwillie

BLOXHAM, WILLIAM DUNNINGTON (1835-1911) Governor of Florida - 1881-85 & 1897-1901

# bloxhamwulliamdunnington

BLUMENTHAL, WERNER MICHAEL (1926- ) U.S. Treasury Secretary - 1977-79

# blumenthalwernermichael

BLUNT, ASA PEABODY (1826-89) Union Brevet Brigadier General - Vermont

# bluntasapeabody

BLUNT, JAMES GILLPATRICK (1826-81) Union Major General

# bluntjamesgillpatrick

BOAS, NORMAN FRANCIS (1923-2016) American Author, Autograph Dealer, and Lincoln Scholar

# boasnormanfrancis

* With Charles Hamilton & Lloyd Ostendorf

BOCCAGE, ANNE-MARIE DU (1710-1802) French Writer & Playwright.

# boccageannemarie

BOCCHERINI, LUIGI (1743-1805) Italian-born Spanish Composer

# boccheriniluigi

BOCOCK, THOMAS S. (1815-91) Speaker of the Confederate House of Representatives – 1862-65; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1847-61

# bocockthomass

BOEING, WILLIAM EDWARD (1881-1956) American Aviation Pioneer

# boeingwilliamedward

BOERHAAVE, HERMAN (1668-1738) Dutch Botanist & Chemist,

# boerhaaveherman

BOGGS, WILLIAM ROBERTSON (1829-1911) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# boggswilliamrobertson

BOIES, HENRY MORRIS (1818-80) Prominent Merchant & Banker in Chicago, Illinois; Michigan State Senator

# boieshenrymorris

BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICOLAS (1636-1711) French Poet & Critic

# boileaudespreauxnicolas

BOMFORD, JAMES VOTY (1812-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 8th U.S. Infantry; Staff Officer to General Alexander M. McCook

# bomfordjamesvoty

BONAPARTE, CHARLES J. (1851-1921) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1905-06; U.S. Attorney General – 1906-09; Grandnephew of Napoleon Bonaparte

# bonapartecharlesj

BOND, JOHN RANDOLPH (1820-77) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# bondjohnrandolph

BOND, LESTER LEGRANT (1829-1903) Mayor of Chicago, Illinois – 1873; Illinois State Congressman – 1866-70; Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

# bondlesterlegrant

BONDI, AUGUST (1833-1907) Jewish Austrian-born American Abolitionist & Revolutionary, fought with John Brown and James Lane in the Kansas Border War, notably at the Battle of Osawatomie; Union Sergeant – 5th Kansas Cavalry, in the American Civil War

# bondiaugust

BONHAM, MILLEDGE LUKE (1813-90) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative - South Carolina – 1857-60; Confederate Representative – 1862; Governor of South Carolina - 1862-64

# bonhammilledgeluke

BONHEUR, ROSA (1822-99) French Painter & Sculptor

# bonheurrosa

BONNARD, PIERRE (1867-1947) French Painter & Illustrator

# bonnardpierre

BONNEVILLE, BENJAMIN LOUIS EULALIE DE (1796-1878) French-born American Explorer & U.S. Army Officer; Union Brevet Brigadier General

# bonnevillebenjaminlouiseulaliede

BONSALL, SPENCER (1816-88) Union Hospital Steward – 81st Pennsylvania Infantry; Saw action during the Peninsula Campaign and at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, where he was seriously injured.

# bonsallspencer

BOONE, DANIEL (1734-1820) American Pioneer, Frontiersman & Folk Hero - famous for the exploration and settlement of Kentucky

# boonedaniel

BOOTH, EDWIN (1833-93) American Shakespearean Actor; Older brother of John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865

# boothe

BOOTH, JOHN WILKES (1838-65) American Stage Actor; Assassinated President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865

# boothjw

BORGLUM, GUTZON (1871-1941) American Artist & Sculptor, known for sculpting Mount Rushmore

# borglumgutzon

BORLAND, SOLON (1811-64) Confederate Brigadier General of Arkansas Militia; U.S. Senator – Arkansas – 1848-53

# borlandsolon

BORMANN, MARTIN (1900-45) Nazi Party Official; Private Secretary to Adolf Hitler

# bormannmartin

BOTELER, ALEXANDER R. (1815-92) Confederate Congressman - Virginia; Confederate Colonel & Aide-de-camp on the Staff of Stonewall Jackson; U.S. Representative – Virginia - 1859-61

# botelerar

BOTHA, PIETR WILLEM (1916-2006) Prime Minister of South Africa – 1978-84; President of South Africa – 1984-89

# bothapw

BOUCHARDON, EDME (1698-1762) French Sculptor

# bouchardone

BOUCHER, FRANCOIS (1703-70) French Painter

# boucherf

BOUDINOT, ELIAS (1740-1821) President of the Continental Congress – 1782-83; U.S. Congressman – New Jersey – 1789-95

# boudinotelias

BOUDINOT, ELIAS CORNELIUS (1835-90) Confederate Officer – First Cherokee Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Cherokee Nation – 1862-65; First Native American lawyer permitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court

# boudinoteliascornelius

BOUTON, EDWARD (1834-1921) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 59th U.S. Colored Infantry

# boutonedward

BOWEN, JAMES (1808-86) Union Brigadier General; President of Erie Railroad – 1841-43

# bowenjames

BOWEN, JOHN STEVENS (1830-63) Confederate Major General – Missouri

# bowenjohnstevens

BOWLLY, ALBERT A. (1898-1941) Mozambican-born South African/British Vocalist and Jazz Guitarist

# bowllyaa

BOYCE, WILLIAM WATERS (1818-90) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – South Carolina - 1853-60

# boycewilliamwaters

BOYD, ISABELLA MARIA “BELLE” (1844-1900) Confederate Spy during the American Civil War

# boydbelle

BOYD, JOHN H. (1799-1868) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1857-59

# boydjh

BOYD, LINN (1800-59) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1851-55; U.S. Congressman – Kentucky – 1835-37 & 1839-55

# boydl

BOYINGTON, WILLIAM W. (1818-98) Prominent Architect in Chicago, Illinois; Mayor of Highland Park, Illinois

# boyingtonwilliamw

Designed dozens of buildings, large and small, in Chicago and across the Midwest, including the cities of Des Moines, Iowa; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Joliet, Peoria, and Springfield, Illinois, along with the fire-proof jail in Pike County, Pittsfield, Illinois 


BOYKIN, EDWARD MORTIMER (1820-91) Confederate Major – 7th South Carolina Cavalry; Post-war U.S. Marshal

# boykinedwardmortimer

BOYLE, JEREMIAH TILFORD (1818-71) Union Brigadier General; Appointed Military Governor of Kentucky by President Abraham Lincoln – May 1862

# boylejeremiahtilford

BOYNTON, HENRY VAN NESS (1835-1905) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee – November 25, 1863; U.S. Army Brigadier General during the Spanish-American War

# boyntonhenryvanness

BRADFORD, AUGUSTUS WILLIAMSON (1806-81) Governor of Maryland – 1862-66

# bradfordaugustuswilliamson

BRADFORD, TAUL (1835-85) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 10th Alabama Infantry; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1875-77

# bradfordtaul

BRADFORD, WILLIAM (1590-1657) English Puritan; A founder of Plymouth Colony, for which he served several terms as Governor – 1621-57

# bradfordw

BRADLEY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1825-97) Confederate Officer – First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1864-65

# bradleybenjaminfranklin

BRADLEY, DAVID (1811-99) Early Settler & Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements in Chicago, Illinois; Designed and manufactured a steel moldboard plow, “The Garden City Clipper,” in the 1830s

# bradleydavid

BRADLEY, LUTHER PRENTICE (1822-1910) Union Brigadier General

# bradleylutherprentice

BRADLEY, OMAR N. (1893-1981) U.S. Army General; Served in World War II and became the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

# bradleyomarn

BRADLEY, THOMAS W. (1844-1920) Union Captain – 124th New York Infantry, the “Orange Blossoms” Regiment; Wounded at the Civil War Battles of Gettysburg, Wilderness, and Boydton Plank Road

# bradleythomasw

BRADSBY, RICHARD (1797-1875) Veteran of the Black Hawk War, served with Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois Militia; Renowned judge in St. Clair County, Illinois

# bradsbyrichard

BRADY, THOMAS J. (1839-1904) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 117th & 140th Indiana Infantries; Staff Officer to General Eugene A. Carr

# bradythomasj

BRAGG, BRAXTON (1817-76) Confederate General - Louisiana

# braggbraxton

BRAGG, EDWARD STUYVESANT (1827-1912) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Wisconsin – 1877-83 & 1885-87

# braggedwardstuyvesant

BRAGG, THOMAS (1810-72) Confederate Attorney General – 1861-62; U.S. Senator – North Carolina – 1859-61; Governor of North Carolina – 1855-59; Older brother of Confederate General Braxton Bragg

# braggthomas

BRAHE, TYCHO (1546-1601) Danish Astronomer & Writer

# brahet

BRAHMS, JOHANNES (1833-97) German Composer, Pianist, and Conductor

# brahmsj

BRAINARD, DANIEL (1812-66) Prominent Surgeon in Chicago, Illinois; Founder of Rush Medical College

# brainarddaniel

BRANCH, ANTHONY MARTIN (1823-67) Confederate Captain – 21st Texas Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1864-65

# branchanthonymartin

BRANCH, LAWRENCE O’BRYAN (1820-62) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Antietam – September 17, 1862; U.S. Representative – North Carolina – 1855-61

# branchlawrenceobryan

BRANDON, WILLIAM LINDSAY (1812-90) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi

# brandonwilliamlindsay

BRANNAN, JOHN MILTON (1819-92) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Third Seminole Wars

# brannanjohnmilton

BRANTLEY, WILLIAM FELIX (1830-70) Confederate Brigadier General - Mississippi

# brantleywilliamfelix

BRATTON, JOHN (1831-98) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1884-85

# brattonjohn

BRAYMAN, MASON (1813-95) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Idaho Territory – 1876-80

# braymanmason

BRECHT, BERTOLT (1898-1956) German Poet & Playwright

# brechtbertolt

BRECK, SAMUEL (1834-1918) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Adjutant General of the U.S. Army – 1897-98

# brecksamuel

BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN CABELL (1821-75) Confederate Major General – Kentucky; Confederate Secretary of War – 1865; Vice-President of the United States – 1857-61; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1851-55; U.S. Senator – Kentucky - 1861

# breckinridgejohncabell

BRECKINRIDGE, WILLIAM CAMPBELL PRESTON (1837-1904) Confederate Colonel – 9th Kentucky Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1885-95

# breckinridgewilliamcampbellpreston

BREMER, SIR JAMES JOHN GORDON (1786-1850) Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy; Commander-in-Chief of British Naval Forces during the First Anglo-Chinese War – 1839-41; Served in the Napoleonic Wars

# bremersjjg

BRENNAN, WILLIAM J., JR. (1906-97) Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1956-90

# brennamwjjr

BRENT, GEORGE WILLIAM (1821-72) Confederate Colonel – 17th Virginia Infantry; Staff officer to Confederate Generals Braxton Bragg, P.G.T. Beauregard, and Joseph Johnston

# brentgeorgewilliam

BRENTANO, AUGUST (1828-86) Austrian-Born Newspaper Dealer in New York City

# brentanoa

BRENTON, SAMUEL (1810-57) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1851-53 & 1855-57

# brentons

BRETON, ANDRE (1896-1966) French Writer & Poet

# bretonandre

BREVARD, THEODORE WASHINGTON, JR. (1835- 82) Confederate Brigadier General - Florida

# brevardtheodorewashingtonjr

BREWER, DAVID J. (1837-1910) U.S. Supreme Associate Court Justice – 1889-1910

# brewerdj

BREWER, MARK S. (1837-1901) U.S. Congressman – Michigan – 1877-81 & 1887-91

# brewerms

BREWSTER, DAVID (1781-1868) British Scientist, Inventor, and Author; Principal of the University of St. Andrews – 1837-59; Principal of the University of Edinburgh – 1859-68

# brewsterdavid

BREWSTER, HENRY A. (?-?) American Clergyman, instrumental in the founding of Howard University

# brewsterhenrya

BRICE, BENJAMIN W. (1806-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel & Paymaster General

# bricebenjaminw

BRIDGERS, ROBERT RUFUS (1819-88) Confederate Congressman – North Carolina - 1862-65

# bridgersrobertrufus

BRIDGMAN, LAURA D. (1829-89) Blind & Deaf-Mute Celebrity

# bridgmanl

BRIGGS, GEORGE NIXON (1796-1861) Governor of Massachusetts – 1844-51; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1831-43

# briggsgeorgenixon

BRIGGS, HENRY SHAW (1824-87) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# briggshenryshaw

BRIGHT, JOHN MORGAN (1817-1911) Confederate Brigadier General of Tennessee Militia – Served on the staff of Governor Isham G. Harris – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1871-81

# brightjohnmorgan

BRINKERHOFF, JACOB (1810-80) U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1843-47

# brinkerhoffjacob

BRINKERHOFF, ROELIFF (1828-1911) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brinkerhoffroeliff

BRINVILLIERS, MARIE-MADELEINE D’AUBRAY, MARQUISE DE (1630-76) French Aristocrat, convicted for the murder of her father and two of her sons, executed on July 16, 1676

# brinvilliersmareimadeleinedaubraymarquisede

BRISBIN, JAMES SANKS (1837-92) Union Brigadier General

# brisbinjamessanks

BRISCOE, JAMES C. (1835-69) Union Brevet Brigadier General – Brevetted to Rank for Gallantry in the Assault on Fort Gregg, Virginia; Union Captain – 40th New York Infantry; Union Colonel – 188th & 199th Pennsylvania Infantries

# briscoejc

BRISTOW, BENJAMIN HELM (1832-96) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1874-76; Union Colonel during the American Civil War, wounded at the Battle of Shiloh

# bristowbh

BROCK, WILLIAM EMERSON (1872-1950) U.S. Senator - Tennessee - 1929 to 1931

# brockwe

BROCKENBROUGH, JOHN WHITE (1806-77) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1861-62

# brockenbroughjohnwhite

BRODERICK, CASE (1839-1920) U.S. Representative – Kansas – 1891-99; Served in the 2nd Kansas Light Artillery Battery during the American Civil War

# broderickc

BRODHEAD, RICHARD (1811-63) U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1851-57; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1843-49

# brodheadr

BROGDEN, CURTIS H. (1816-1901) Governor of North Carolina – 1874-77; U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1877-79

# brogdench

BRONTE, ANNE (1820-49) English Novelist & Poet

# bronteanne

BRONTE, CHARLOTTE (1816-55) English Novelist & Poet, best known for “Jane Eyre” & “Villette”

# brontecharlotte

BRONTE, EMILY JANE (1818-48) English Novelist & Poet, best known for her only novel, “Wuthering Heights”

# bronteemilyjane

BROOKE, JOHN RUTTER (1838-1926) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Major General during the Spanish-American War

# brookejohnrutter

BROOKE, RUPERT CHAWNER (1877-1915) English Poet

# brookerupertchawner

BROOKE, WALKER (1813-69) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi - 1861-62; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1852-53

# brookewalker

BROOKS, PHILLIPS (1835-93) American Clergyman; Author of “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

# brooksphillips

BROOKS, PRESTON S. (1819-57) U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1853-57; Severely beat abolitionist Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner in the Senate Chamber on May 22, 1856

# brooksps

BROOKS, WILLIAM S. (1822-92) Prominent Businessman in Joliet, Illinois; President of the Joliet Iron and Steel Rolling Mills; Elected to the Illinois State House of Representatives in 1870, and the Illinois State Senate, 1872

# brooksws

BROOKS, WILLIAM THOMAS HARBAUGH (1821-70) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# brookswilliamthomasharbaugh

BROSS, WILLIAM J. (1813-90) Lieutenant Governor of Illinois – 1865-69; Early Republican Party supporter, campaigned for John C. Fremont in 1856 and Abraham Lincoln in 1860; Helped raise the 29th U.S. Colored Infantry during the American Civil War

# brosswilliamj

BROUGHAM, HENRY (1778-1868) English Politician; Member of Parliament – 1810-12 & 1815-68; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain – 1830-34

# broughamhenry

BROWARD, MONTGOMERY LAFAYETTE (1833-98) Confederate Soldier; Prominent resident of Duval County, Florida

# browardmaontgomerylafayette

BROWN, AARON VENABLE (1795-1859) U.S. Postmaster General – 1857-59; Governor of Tennessee – 1845-47; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1839-45

# brownaaronvenable

BROWN, ALBERT GALLATIN (1813-80) Confederate Congressman – 1862-65; Governor of Mississippi – 1844-48; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1854-61

# brownalbertgallatin

BROWN, EGBERT BENSON (1816-1902) Union Brigadier General

# brownegbertbenson

BROWN, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1815-95) Notable Inventor & Manufacturer in Galesburg, Illinois; Invented the “Brown Corn Planter” in 1851

# browngeorgewashington

BROWN, HARVEY (1795-1874) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# brownharvey

BROWN, IRA (1835-1921) Successful Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Invested in large tracts of land in the suburbs of Chicago and San Diego, California

# brownira

BROWN, JOHN (1800-59) American Abolitionist; Seized the U.S. Arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, October 1859, and was hanged in Charlestown on December 2, 1859

# brownjohn

BROWN, JOHN CALVIN (1827-89) Confederate Major General – Tennessee; Governor of Tennessee 1871-75

# brownjohncalvin

BROWN, JOHN, JR. (1821-95) Eldest child of noted Abolitionist John Brown; Civil War Union Captain – 7th Kansas Infantry, Jennison’s Jayhawkers

# brownjohnjr

BROWN, JOSEPH EMERSON (1821-94) Governor of Georgia – 1857-65; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1880-91

# brownjosephemerson

BROWN, NATHAN WILLIAMS (1819-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownnathanwilliams

BROWN, PHILIP PERRY, JR. (1823-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownphilipperryjr

BROWN, SAMUEL LOCKWOOD (1825-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownsamuellockwood

BROWN, THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN (1835-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Officer – 51st Illinois Infantry

# browntheodorefrelinghuysen

BROWNE, THOMAS M. (1829-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 7th Indiana Cavalry; U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1877-91

# brownethomasm

BROWNE, WILLIAM HENRY (1825-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# brownewilliamhenry

BROWNE, WILLIAM MONTAGUE (1823-83) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Secretary of State ad interim, February 17 - March 18, 1862

# brownewilliammontague

BROWNING, ORVILLE HICKMAN (1806-81) U.S. Interior Secretary – 1866-69; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1861-63; Lifelong friend of Abraham Lincoln

# browningorvillehickman

BRUCE, BLANCHE KELSO (1841-98) U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1875-81; First elected African-American Senator to serve a full term; Register of the U.S. Treasury – 1881-85 & 1897-98

# bruceblanchekelso

Signatures as U.S. Senator from Mississippi.

BRUCE, ELI METCALFE (1828-66) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65

# bruceelimetcalfe

BRUCE, NIGEL (1895-1953) English Actor

# brucenigel

BRUSH, DANIEL HARMON (1813-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 18th Illinois Infantry

# brushdanielharmon

BRUSTER, OBEDIAH FINLEY (1824-99) Confederate Officer during the American Civil War

# brusterof

BRYAN, GOODE (1811-85) Confederate Brigadier General

# bryangoode

BRYAN, SILAS LILLARD (1822-80) Prominent Attorney & Judge in Salem, Illinois; Illinois State Senator – 1853-59; Father of William Jennings Bryan

# bryansilaslillard

BUCHANAN, FRANKLIN (1800-74) Confederate Admiral; Served in the U.S. Navy – 1815-61

# buchananfranklin

BUCHANAN, JAMES (1791-1868) Fifteenth U.S. President - 1857-61; U.S. Secretary of State – 1845-49; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1834-45; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1821-31

# buchananjames

BUCHANAN, ROBERT CHRISTIE (1811-78) Union Brevet Major General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# buchananrobertchristie

BUCK, ADDISON PRENTISS (1836-1900) Union Officer - 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry

# buckaddisonprentiss

BUCK, CLAYTON DOUGLASS (1890-1965) Governor of Delaware – 1929-37; U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1943-49

# buckclaytondouglass

BUCK, HORATIO BARDWELL (1832-?) Union Assistant Surgeon, served in the Army of the Potomac from Chancellorsville and Gettysburg through the Mine Run Campaign; Physician in Springfield, Illinois after the Civil War

# buckhoratiobardwell

BUCK, PEARL SYDENSTRICKER (1892-1973) American Writer & Novelist

# buckpearlsydenstricker

BUCKINGHAM, CATHARINUS PUTNAM (1808-88) Union Brigadier General - Ohio

# buckinghamcatharinusputnam

BUCKINGHAM, WILLIAM ALFRED (1804-75) Governor of Connecticut – 1858-66; U.S. Senator – Connecticut – 1869-75

# buckinghamwilliamalfred

BUCKLAND, RALPH POMEROY (1812-92) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1865-69

# bucklandralphpomeroy

BUCKNER, SIMON BOLIVAR (1823-1914) Confederate Lieutenant General – Kentucky

# bucknersimonbolivar

BUEHLER, JOHN (1831-1903) German-Born Brewer, Merchant, Banker, and Insurance Executive in Chicago, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate – 1874; Director of the Huck’s Brewing Company – 1864-71

# buehlerjohn

BUELL, DON CARLOS (1818-98) Union Major General - Ohio

# buelldoncarlos

BUFORD, ABRAHAM, II (1820-84) Confederate Brigadier General - Kentucky

# bufordabrahamII

BUFORD, JOHN (1826-63) Union Major General – Kentucky

# bufordjohn

BUFORD, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1807-83) Union Brigadier General

# bufordnapoleonbonaparte

BULLOCK, ROBERT (1828-1905) Confederate Brigadier General – Florida; U.S. Representative – Florida – 1889-93

# bullockrobert

BULLOCK, SETH (1849-1919) Member of the Montana Territorial Senate – 1871-72; Sheriff of Lewis and Clark County, Montana Territory – 1873

# bullocks

Moved to Deadwood, Dakota Territory, where he opened a hardware business with Sol Star in 1876, soon becoming the town sheriff; Portrayed by Timothy Oliphant in the HBO television series, “Deadwood”; Served as Captain of a Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the Spanish-American War; Appointed U.S. Marshal for South Dakota by President Theodore Roosevelt, a longtime friend – 1909

BURBANK, SIDNEY (1807-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Second Seminole War

# burbanksidney

BURBRIDGE, STEPHEN GANO (1831-94) Union Brigadier General - Kentucky

# burbridgestephengano

BURKE, EDMUND (1729-97) Irish Statesman & Philosopher; Member of the British Parliament – 1766-94

# burkeedmund

BURKE, EDMUND (1809-82) U.S. Congressman – New Hampshire – 1839-45; U.S. Commissioner of Patents – 1846-50

# burkeedmund

BURKE, MARTIN (1800-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# burkemartin

BURLESON, ALBERT S. (1863-1937) U.S. Postmaster General – 1913-21; U.S. Representative – Texas – 1899-1913

# burlesonalberts

BURNETT, HENRY CORNELIUS (1825-66) Confederate Colonel – 8th Kentucky Infantry; Confederate Senator – Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky - 1855-61

# burnetthenrycornelius

BURNHAM, HIRAM (1814-64) Union Brigadier General – Maine; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Virginia – September 29, 1864

# burnhamhiram

BURNHAM, JOHN (1816-98) Notable Citizen of Batavia, Illinois; Conceived & produced the self-regulating windmill, principle in the United States Wind Engine & Pump Company; Later moved to California, and is buried in Santa Ana, Orange County

# burnhamjohn

BURNS, JOHN L. (1793-1872) Civilian resident who fought with the Union Army at the Battle of Gettysburg; Veteran of the War of 1812

# burnsjohnl

BURNS, ROBERT (1759-96) Scottish Poet & Lyricist; Author of “Auld Lang Syne”

# burnsrobert

BURNS, WILLIAM WALLACE (1825-92) Union Brigadier General

# burnswilliamwallace

BURNSIDE, AMBROSE EVERETT (1824-81) Union Major General; Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Fredericksburg; Governor of Rhode Island – 1866-69; U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1875-81

# burnsideambroseeverett

BURR, AARON (1756-1836) U.S. Vice President – 1801-05; U.S. Senator – New York – 1791-97; Officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War; Killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel on July 11, 1804

# burra

BURR, THEODOSIA (1783-1813) American Socialite; Daughter of Aaron Burr; Wife of Joseph Alston, Governor of South C arolina

# burrt

BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE (1875-1950) American Writer

# burroughsedgarrice

BUSCH, VALENTINE (1824-72) German-Born American Brewer; Principal in Valentin Busch Brewery, 1851-58, and Busch & Michael Brand Brewery, 1858-73, in Chicago, Illinois

# buschvalentine

BUSHNELL, DAVID (1740-1824/26) American Medical Doctor; Inventor of the Submarine

# bushnelldavid

BUSSEY, CYRUS (1833-1915) Union Brigadier General; Assistant Secretary of the Interior 1889-93

# busseycyrus

BUTLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1818-93) Union Major General – Massachusetts; U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1867-75 & 1877-79; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Greenback Party - 1884

# butlerbenjaminfranklin

BUTLER, CHESTER PIERCE (1798-1850) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1847-50

# butlercp

BUTLER, JAMES WANDESFORD, MARQUIS OF ORMONDE (1774-1838) Irish Nobleman & Politician; Member of Parliament – 1796-1820; Colonel in the 14th Dragoons, British Army & the Kilkenny Militia

# butlerjameswandesford

BUTLER, MATTHEW CALBRAITH (1836-1909) Confederate Major General – South Carolina; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1877-95; Major General in the U.S. Army – 1898-99

# butlermatthewcalbraith

BUTLER, SMEDLEY DARLINGTON (1881-1940) U.S. Marine Corps Major General; Served from the Spanish-American War through World War I; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor; Author of “War is a Racket”

# butlersmedleydarlington

BUTTERFIELD, DANIEL ADAMS (1831-1901) Union Major General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, Virginia - June 27, 1862

# butterfielddanieladams

BUTTRICK, JOHN (1731-91) Major of Concord Militia during the Battle of Concord, April 19, 1775

# buttrickjohn

BUXTON, HARVEY PARRIS (1834-?) Served in the 15th Illinois Cavalry & 30th Illinois Infantry during the American Civil War; Prominent attorney in Carlyle & Belleville, Illinois

# buxtonharveyparris

BUXTON, THOMAS FOWELL (1786-1845) English Abolitionist & Social Reformer; Member of Parliament – 1819-37

# buxtonthomasfowell

BYFORD, WILLIAM HEATH (1817-90) Prominent Physician in Chicago, Illinois; Professor at Rush Medical College & Chicago Medical College; Founded Woman’s Medical College of Chicago in 1879

# byfordwilliamheath

BYRD, RICHARD E. (1888-1957) American Aviator & Polar Explorer; Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient; U.S. Navy Rear Admiral

# byrdricharde

BYRON, LORD GEORGE GORDON (1778-1824) English Romantic Poet – Most remembered for “Don Juan” & “Childe Harold's Pilgrimage”

# byronlordgeorgegordon

CABELL, GEORGE CRAIGHEAD (1836-1906) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 18th Virginia Infantry; U.S. Congressman – Virginia - 1875-87

# cabellgeorgecraighead

CABELL, WILLIAM LEWIS (1827-1911) Confederate Brigadier General; Mayor of Dallas, Texas – 1874-79 & 1883-85

# cabellwilliamlewis

CABLE, HERMON W. - Founder of the Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company

# cablehermonw

CADWALADER, GEORGE (1806-79) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# cadwaladergeorge

CALDWELL, JOHN CURTIS (1833-1912) Union Brigadier General

# caldwelljohncurtis

CALDWELL, JOHN HENRY (1826-1902) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 10th Alabama Infantry; U.S. Representative - Alabama – 1873-77

# caldwelljohnhenry

CALHOUN, JAMES MONTGOMERY (1811-75) Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia – 1862-65; Recipient of the famous “War is Cruelty” letter from Union General William Tecumseh Sherman upon the surrender of the city, September 1864

# calhounjamesmontgomery

CALHOUN, JOHN C. (1782-1850) U.S. Vice President - 1825-32; U.S. Secretary of War - 1817-25; U.S. Secretary of State - 1844-45; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1811-17; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1845-50

# calhounjohnc

CALL, RICHARD K. (1792-1862) Florida Territorial Governor – 1835-40 & 1841-44; Aide to General Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans; Brigadier General of West Florida Militia; U.S. Representative – 1823-25

# callrichardk

CALL, WILKINSON (1834-1910) U.S. Senator – Florida – 1879-97; Nephew of Richard Call, Florida Territorial Governor – 1836-39 & 1841-44; Served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War

# callwilkinson

CALLAHAN, SAMUEL BENTON (1833-1911) Confederate Soldier in the First Creek Mounted Volunteers; Confederate Congressman – Creek & Seminole Nations – 1864-65

# callahansamuelbenton

CALLENDER, FRANKLIN DYER (1817-82) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Commander of the St. Louis Arsenal; Chief of Ordnance – Department of the Missouri

# callenderfranklndyer

CAMERON, ANGUS (1826-97) U.S. Senator – Wisconsin – 1875-85

# cameronangus

CAMERON, DANIEL, JR. (1828-79) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Commander of Camp Douglas Military Prison, Chicago, Illinois

# camerondanieljr

CAMERON, JAMES DONALD (1833-1918) U.S. Secretary of War - 1876-77; U.S. Senator - Pennsylvania - 1877-97

# cameronjamesdonald

CAMERON, ROBERT ALEXANDER (1828-94) Union Brigadier General

# cameronrobertalexander

CAMERON, SIMON (1799-1889) U.S. Secretary of War – 1861-62, during the American Civil War; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1845-49, 1857-61 & 1867-77

# cameronsimon


CAMPAN, HENRIETTE GENET (1752-1822) French Educator & Writer; Lady’s Maid in the service of Marie Antoinette before and during the French Revolution; Appointed headmistress of the first "Maison d'éducation de la Légion d'honneur" by Napoleon in 1807

# campanhg

CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER WILLIAM (1828-93) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Elected Mayor of Jackson, Tennessee - 1856

# campbellalexanderwilliam

CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD (1739-91) Major General in the British Army; Governor of Georgia – 1778-79; Governor of Jamaica – 1781-84; Governor of Madras – 1786-89; Member of Parliament – 1774-80 & 1789-91

# campbellarchibald

CAMPBELL, CHARLES THOMAS (1823-95) Union Brigadier General

# campbellcharlesthomas

CAMPBELL, JACOB MILLER (1821-88) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1877-79 & 1881-87

# campbelljacobmiller

CAMPBELL, JAMES (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1853-57; Attorney General of Pennsylvania – 1852-53; Prominent Antebellum Catholic Politician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

# campbelljames

CAMPBELL, JAMES (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1853-57; Attorney General of the State of Pennsylvania – 1852-53

# campbellj

CAMPBELL, JOHN (circa 1795-1845) U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1829-31 & 1837-45

# campbelljohn

CAMPBELL, JOHN ARCHIBALD (1811-89) Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1853-61; Confederate Assistant Secretary of War – 1862-65

# campbellja

CAMPBELL, JOSIAH ABIGAIL PATTERSON (1830-1917) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 40th Mississippi Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-62

# campbelljosiahabigailpatterson

CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777-1844) Scottish Poet & Author

# campbellthomas

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM BOWEN (1807-67) Union Brigadier General; Governor of Tennessee – 1851-53; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1837-43 & 1866-67

# campbellwilliambowen

CAMPELL, J.W. (?-?) Sheriff of Jefferson County, Virginia during the trial, imprisonment, and execution of John Brown in 1859

# campbelljw

CAMPISTRON, JEAN GALBERT de (1656-1723) French Dramatist

# campistronjeangalbertde

CAMUS, ALBERT (1913-60) French philosopher, Author, and Journalist

# camusalbert

CANBY, EDWARD RICHARD SPRIGG (1817-73) Union Major General; Killed by Modoc Indians in 1873; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# canbyedwardrichardsprigg

CANDY, CHARLES (1832-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 66th Ohio Infantry

# candycharles

CANFIELD, EUGENE (1837-?) Prominent Attorney in Aurora, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1872

# canfieldeugene

CANGE, CHARLES du FRESNE (1610-88) French Philologist & Historian

# cnagecharlesdufresne

CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) British Prime Minister & Chancellor of the Exchequer – 1827; British Foreign Secretary – 1807-09 & 1822-27; Leader of the House of Commons – 1822-27

# canninggeorge

CAPERS, ELLISON (1837-1908) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# capersellison

CAPERS, FRANCIS WITHERS (1819-92) Confederate General of Georgia State Troops

# capersfranciswithers

CAPERTON, ALLEN TAYLOR (1810-76) Confederate Senator – Virginia – 1863-65; U.S. Senator – West Virginia – 1875-76

# capertonallentaylor

CAPONE, ALPHONSE G. (1899-1945) Prohibition-era American Gangster & Businessman

# caponealphonseg

CAPOTE, TRUMAN (1924-84) American Writer

# capotetruman

CAREY, WILLIAM, LORD BISHOP OF EXETER (1769-1846) English Churchman; Bishop of Exeter, 1820—30 & St. Asaph – 1830-46

# careywilliam

CARLETON, JAMES HENRY (1814-73) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & western Indian Wars

# carletonjameshenry

CARLILE, JOHN SNYDER (1817-78) U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1855-57 & 1861

# carlilejohnsnyder

CARLIN, WILLIAM H. Illinois State Congressman, circa 1850s; Postmaster of Quincy, Illinois - 1858-61

# carlinwilliamh

CARLIN, WILLIAM PASSMORE (1829-1903) Union Brigadier General – Illinois; Namesake of Carlin, Nevada

# carlinwilliampassmore

CARNEGIE, ANDREW (1835-1919) Scottish-Born American Industrialist & Philanthropist

# carnegieandrew

CARNEGIE, WILLIAM, EARL OF NORTHESK (1756-1831) British Naval Officer during the American Revolutionary, French Revolutionary, and Napoleonic Wars; Rear Admiral of the United Kingdom – 1821-31

# carnegiewilliam

CARNES, WILLIAM WATTS (1841-1932) Served in the Confederate Army & Navy during the American Civil War; Sheriff of Shelby County, Tennessee – 1896-97

# carneswilliamwatts

CARPENTER, JOHN NEWSOM (1825-93) Confederate Colonel – 2nd Alabama Cavalry

# carpenterjohnnewsom

CARPENTER, PHILO (1805-86) American Abolitionist; First pharmacist in Chicago, Illinois, circa 1832; A founder and leader of the Chicago chapter of the American Anti-Slavery Society

# carpenterphilo

CARR, EUGENE ASA NIEL (1830-1910) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas – March 7, 1862

# carreugeneasaniel

CARR, JOSEPH BRADFORD (1828-95) Union Brigadier General - New York

# carrjosephbradford

CARR, ROBERT JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER (1774-1841) English Churchman; Bishop of Chichester – 1824-31; Bishop of Worcester - 1831-41

# carrrobertjames

CARRINGTON, HENRY BEEBEE (1824-1912) Union Brigadier General

# carringtonhenrybeebee

CARROLL, CHARLES OF CARROLLTON (1737-1832) Signer of the Declaration of Independence – Maryland – the Only Catholic & Last-Surviving Signer; Delegate to the Continental Congress – Maryland – 1776-78; U.S. Senator - Maryland – 1789-92

# carrollcharlesofcarrollton

CARROLL, DAVID WILLIAMSON (1816-1905) Confederate Colonel – 18th Arkansas Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Arkansas - 1865

# carrolldavidwilliamson

CARROLL, SAMUEL SPRIGG (1832-93) Union Brigadier General

# carrollsamuelsprigg

CARROLL, WILLIAM HENRY (1810-68) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee

# carrollwilliamhenry

CARSON, CHRISTOPHER HOUSTON “KIT” (1809-68) American Frontiersman & U.S. Army Officer; Union Brevet Brigadier General during the American Civil War

# carsonchristopherhouston

CARSON, JAMES MARSH (1831-88) Confederate Officer - South Carolina

# carsonjamesmarsh

CARTEAUX, JEAN BAPTISTE FRANCOIS (1751-1813) French Painter & General in the French Revolutionary Army; Commander-in-Chief of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Army during the Siege of Toulon - 1793

# carteauxjeanbaptistefrancois

CARTER, JAMES EARL, JR. “JIMMY” (1924- ) Thirty-Ninth U.S. President – 1977-81; Governor of Georgia – 1971-75

# carterjamesearl

CARTER, JOHN CARPENTER (1837-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee - November 30, 1864

# carterjohncarpenter

CARTER, SAMUEL PERRY “POWHATAN” (1819-91) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Navy Rear Admiral

# cartersamuelperry

CARVER, GEORGE WASHINGTON (ca1864-1943) African-American Agricultural Scientist & Inventor

# carvergeorgewashington

CARY, ALICE (1820-71) American Poet, the older sister of fellow poet Phoebe Cary

# caryalice

CARY, HETTY CARR MARTIN (1836-92) Wife of Confederate General John Pegram, Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Hatcher’s Run – February 6, 1865; Later married pioneer physiologist Henry Newell Martin

# caryhettycarrmartin

CARY, JEREMIAH EATON (1803-88) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-45

# caryjeremiaheaton

CARY, SHEPARD (1805-66) U.S. Congressman – Maine – 1844-45

# caryshepard

CASE, CHARLES HOSMER (1829-?) Prominent Teacher, Merchant, and Insurance Executive in Warsaw & Chicago, Illinois

# casecharleshosmer

CASEY, SILAS (1807-82) Union Major General – Rhode Island

# caseysilas

CASHIER, ALBERT D.J., born JENNIE IRENE HODGERS (1843-1915) Irish-born Union Soldier, a woman serving in the identity of a man – 95th Illinois Infantry

# cashieralbertdj

CASTRO, FIDEL (1926-2016) Cuban Revolutionary & Politician; Prime Minister of Cuba - 1959-76; President of Cuba – 1976-2008

# castrofidel

CASTRO, RAUL (b. 1931) Cuban Military & Political Leader; First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba - 2011-21; Brother of Fidel Castro

# castroraul

CATHERINE OF ARAGON (1485-1536) Queen Consort of England – 1509-1533; First Wife of King Henry VIII

# catherineofaragon

CATON, JOHN DEAN (1812-95) Associate & Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court – 1843-64; Prominent Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

# catonjohndean

CATTELL, ALEXANDER GILMORE (1816-94) U.S. Senator – New Jersey – 1866-71

# cattellalexandergilmore

CAZNEAU, THOMAS NUGENT (1812-73) Confederate Guerrilla Fighter & Spy

# cazneauthomasnugent

CELESTINE IV (?-1241) Italian-born Pope - 1241

# celestineI

CEZANNE, PAUL (1839-1906) French Artist and Post-Impressionist Painter

# cezannepaul

CHALMERS, JAMES RONALD (1831-98) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1877-81 & 1884-85

# chalmersjamesronald

CHAMBERLAIN, FRANK O. (1829-1902) Member of the New York State Assembly from Ontario County, 1891-92; Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Canandaigua, New York

# chamberlainfranko

CHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA LAWRENCE (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 20th Maine Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Gettysburg; Governor of Maine – 1867-71; President of Bowdoin College – 1871-83

# chamberlainjoshualawrence

CHAMBERLAIN, THOMAS D. (1841-96) Union Lieutenant Colonel - 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Brother of Union General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

# chamberlainthomasd

CHAMBERS, HENRY COUSINS (1823-71) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1862-65

# chambershenrycousins

CHAMBERS, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1802-65) Major General of Texas Troops during the War for Independence with Mexico; Namesake of Chambers County, Texas

# chambersthomasjefferson

CHAMBLISS, JOHN RANDOLPH, JR. (1833-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Virginia; Killed-in-Action at the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, Virginia – August 14, 1864

# chamblissjohnrandolphjr

CHAMPION, THOMAS EMMET (1825-73) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 96th Illinois Infantry

# championthomasemmet

CHAMPLIN, STEPHEN GARDNER (1827-64) Union Brigadier General; Died of wounds from the battles of Seven Pines & Second Bull Run

# chajplinstephengardner

CHANDLER, ZACHARIAH (1813-79) U.S. Secretary of the Interior - 1875-77; U.S. Senator – Michigan - 1857-75 & 1879; Mayor of Detroit, Michigan – 1851-52

# chandlerzachariah

CHAPIN, EDWARD PAYSON (1831-63) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Port Hudson, Louisiana – May 27, 1863

# chapinedwardpayson

CHAPLIN, SIR CHARLES SPENCER “CHARLIE” (1889-1977) English Comic Actor, Filmmaker, and Composer

# chaplincharlie

CHAPMAN, AUGUSTUS A. (1803-76) Confederate Brigadier General of Virginia Militia; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1843-47

# chapmanaugustusa

CHAPMAN, GEORGE HENRY (1832-82) Union Brigadier General

# chapmangeorgehenry

CHAPMAN, REUBEN (1799-1882) Confederate Representative to France – 1862-65; U.S. Congressman – Alabama – 1835-47; Governor of Alabama – 1847-49

# chapmanreuben

CHARDIN, JEAN (1643-1713) French Jeweller & Traveller; Author of “The Travels of Sir John Chardin”

# chardinjean

CHARLEMAGNE (748-814) King of the Franks & Lombards; First Holy Roman Emperor – 800-814

# charlemagne

CHARLES, DUKE OF ORLEANS (1394-1465) French Nobleman & Medieval Poet

# charlesoforleans

CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA (1796-1817) Princess of Wales; Only child of King George IV of England; First wife of Leopold I of Belgium

# charlotteaugusta

CHASE, HENRY INGRAHAM (1820-96) Prominent Merchant & Grain Trader in Peoria, Illinois; Appointed Deputy Collector of the Fifth District of Illinois by President Abraham Lincoln

# chasehenryingraham

CHASE, SALMON PORTLAND (1808-73) U.S. Treasury Secretary - 1861-64; Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court - 1864-73; Governor of Ohio – 1856-60; U.S. Senator – Ohio – 1849-55 & 1861

# chasesalmonportland

CHASE, SAMUEL (1741-1811) Member of the Continental Congress – Maryland – 1776-78; Signer of the Declaration of Independence; U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1796-1811; Acquitted after being impeached by Congress, 1804-05

# chasesamuel

CHASTAIN, ELIJAH WEBB (1813-74) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 1st Georgia Infantry; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1851-55

# chastainelijahwebb

CHEATHAM, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1820-86) Confederate Major General –Tennessee

# cheathambenjaminfranklin

CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH (1860-1904) Russian Writer & Playwright

# chekhovantonpavlovich

CHENEY, CHARLES EDWARD (1836-1916) American Bishop in the Reformed Episcopal Church

# cheneycharlesedward

CHENOWETH, WILLIAM J. (1823-1915) Union Surgeon – 35th Illinois Infantry – 1861-62; Member of GAR Post #141 - Decatur, Illinois

# chenowethwilliamj

CHESNUT, JAMES, JR. (1815-85) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1858-60

# chesnutjamesjr

CHESNUT, MARY BOYKIN (1823-86) Southern Civil War Writer & Diarist; Wife of Confederate General & U.S. Senator James Chesnut, Jr.

# chesnutmaryboykin

CHETLAIN, AUGUSTUS LOUIS (1824-1914) Union Brigadier General

# chetlainaugustuslouis

CHEW, ROGER PRESTON (1843-1921) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – Virginia; Commander of Horse Artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia

# chewrogerpreston

CHILDS, FREDERICK LYNN (1831-94) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel

# childsfredericklynn

CHILTON, ROBERT HALL (1815-79) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# chiltonroberthall

CHILTON, WILLIAM PARISH (1810-71) Confederate Congressman – Alabama – 1861-62

# chiltonwilliamparish

CHINIQUY, CHARLES (1809-99) Canadian-Born Catholic Priest; Settled in Kankakee, Illinois; Was defended in an 1855 libel lawsuit by Abraham Lincoln

# chiniquycharles

Denounced the Catholic Church in mid-life, warning that importing thousands of immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and France, the American Civil War, and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln were Vatican plots to take over the United States.


CHIPMAN, HENRY LAURENS (1823-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 102nd U.S. Colored Infantry

# chipmanhenrylaurens

CHITTENDEN, SIMEON B. (1814-89) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1874-81

# chittendensimeonb

CHRISMAN, JAMES STONE (1818-81) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1853-55

# chrismanjamesstone

CHRISTENSEN, CHRISTIAN THOMSEN (1832-1905) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# christensenchristianthomsen

CHRYSLER, MORGAN HENRY (1822-90) Union Brigadier General

# chrylsermorganhenry

CHRYSLER, WALTER PERCY (1875-1940) American Automotive Pioneer; Founder of the Chrysler Corporation

# chryslerwalterpercy

CHURCHILL, CLEMENTINE S. (1885-1977) Wife of Winston Churchill

# churchillclementines

CHURCHILL, THOMAS JAMES (1824-1905) Confederate Major General – Arkansas; Governor of Arkansas – 1881-83

# churchillthomasjames

CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. (1874-1965) Prime Minister of England – 1940-45 & 1951-55

# churchillwinstons

CHURCHWELL, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY (1826-62) Confederate Colonel – 34th Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1851-55

# churchwellwilliammontgomery

CIENFUEGOS, CAMILO (1932-59) Prominent Figure in the Cuban Revolutionary Army

# cienguegoscamilo

CINQUE, JOSEPH (circa 1814-79) Kidnapped West African, led the revolt aboard the "Amistad" in 1839

# cinquej

CIST, HENRY MARTYN (1839-1902) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# cisthenrymartyn

CLAIBORNE, JOHN M. (1839-1909) Confederate Officer – 8th Texas Cavalry, known as Terry’s Texas Rangers; Served under Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph Wheeler, and John Wharton, and was wounded three times during the Civil War

# claibornejohnm