Other Historical


NewBLANCHARD, JAMES HUMPHREY (1872-1954) Prominent Post-Bellum Resident of Greenwood, Mississippi

# 9716

Signed Photograph, 6” x 8”, a silver-print image of Blanchard as a young man, circa 1900.  Signed in pencil on the reverse, “J.H. Blanchard, Greenwood, Miss[issippi],” with pencil notations in another hand just above, seemingly indicating an obituary or biographical placement in a local newspaper.

Excellent, with light toning and old mounting remnants on the reverse.

Price: $65.00

BROWN, AARON VENABLE (1795-1859) U.S. Postmaster General – 1857-59; Governor of Tennessee – 1845-47; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1839-45

# 10934

Signature, “Aaron Brown,” on a ½” x 2 ½” portion of a document, signed as U.S. postmaster general.  Affixed to a heavier card.

Price: $65.00

NewCAMPBELL, JAMES (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1853-57; Attorney General of Pennsylvania – 1852-53; Prominent Antebellum Catholic Politician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

# 10938

Signed Card, 2 ¼” x 3 ½”, “Very respectfully & truly, James Campbell, March 26, 1875.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with old mounting traces and pencil biographical notations on the reverse.

Price: $60.00

NewGEORGE, WALTER FRANKLIN (1878-1957) U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1922-57

# 10929

Signed Card, 3 ½” x 5 ¼”, as U.S. Senator from Georgia, “I am, Sincerely Yours, Walter F. George, U[nited] S[tates] S[enate], G[eorgi]a.  Sept[ember] 4, 1937.”

Very good condition overall, with several small stains.

Price: $25.00

NewGREELEY, HORACE (1811-72) American Editor & Abolitionist; Founder of the New York Tribune; Democratic Candidate for U.S. President - 1872

# 10932

Signature, “Horace Greeley, 6am, Amherst, N[ew] H[ampshire],” on a 2 ¾” x 3 ¾” slip of paper.


NewHAZARD, EBENEZER (1744-1817) U.S. Postmaster General - 1782-89; Postmaster of New York City & Surveyor General of the Continental Post Office during the American Revolutionary War

# 10933

Signature, “Ebenezer Hazard,” on a 1 ¼” x 3 ¼” slip of paper, an uncommon full signature removed from a larger letter or document.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a slightly irregular right edge; old pencil biographical notations on the reverse.

Price: $150.00

NewHUGHES, CHARLES EVANS, SR. (1868-1948) Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1930-41; Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court – 1910-16; U.S. Secretary of State – 1921-25; Governor of New York – 1907-10

# 10939

Signed Card, 2 ½” x 3 ¾”, “Charles E. Hughes.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining.

Price: $50.00

NewMcARTHUR, DUNCAN (1772-1839) U.S. Army Brigadier General during the War of 1812; Governor of Ohio – 1830-32; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1823-25

# 10655

Autograph Letter Signed, 6 ¾” x 8”, as U.S. Congressman, to one Augustus Gamble.  The attached leaf of the same dimension, stamped “FREE” and bearing a Chillicothe, Ohio postmark, is franked and addressed by McArthur: “Free.  D. McArthur, M[ember] C[ongress].  Augus[tus] Gamble, Esquire, x roads Ann Arundel County, Maryland.”   

“Chillicothe [Ohio], Nov[embe]r 8th 1824 

Dear Sir,

Your favour of the 4th Ult[imo] came duly to hand.

The surveys in the name…Young Wilkins have been made…ground and the plats forwarded…office of Col[onel] Richard C. Anderso…principal surveyor who resides ne[ar]…Louisville, Kentucky, for record.  So soon as recorded, he has been requested to forward them, to the Gen[era]l Land Office at the City of Washington.

I trust that you will…your Patents in the course of the ensuing winter, and be ready to convey to my son the part which will be due for his services.  respectfully yours, Duncan McArthur.”

Moderately toned throughout, with general soiling and wear.  The upper edge is somewhat irregular, having been hand torn for use.  Paper separation at the usual folds has resulted in the loss of paper at the right edge, containing words from six lines of text.

Price: $150.00

NewPAYNE, HENRY CLAY (1812-93) U.S. Postmaster General – 1902-04; Postmaster of Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 1876-86

# 10930

Signed Card, 2 ½” x 4 ¼”, imprinted as U.S. Postmaster General, “H.C. Payne.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with old mounting traces on the reverse.


NewSMITH, ALFRED EMANUEL (1873-1944) Governor of New York – 1919-20 & 1923-28; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Democratic Party – 1928, the first Roman Catholic to be nominated by a major Political Party

# 10935

Signed Card, 2 ½” x 4”, “Alfred A. Smith.”

Barely discernible, slightly lighter toning at the right edge.


NewSTONE, HARLAN FISKE (1872-1946) Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1941-46; Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1925-41; U.S. Attorney General – 1924-25

# 10937

Signed Card, 2” x 3 ¼”, “Harlan F. Stone.”

Excellent, with light, even toning.

Price: $100.00

NewWALTON, GEORGE (1749-1804) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1795-96; Governor of Georgia – 1789-90; Chief Justice of Georgia 1783-89

# 7665

Document Signed, 8” x 12 ½”, Chatham County, Georgia, December 14, 1785, “Geo. Walton,” as Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, a manuscript legal document regarding the payment of a debt.

The document is evenly toned, with several stains and a few insignificant edge chips and tears.  One word of text is affected by a small area of paper loss near the right edge, along the uppermost of three horizontal folds, another of which has been repaired on the reverse.  Detachment of the upper one-fourth of the document at the uppermost fold could easily be repaired by a professional conservator.


NewWHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF (1807-92) American Quaker Poet & Abolitionist

# 10936

Signed Card, 2 ¼” x 3 ¼”, “John G. Whittier,” in violet ink.

Excellent, with light, even toning.

Price: $70.00