Civil War


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NewALVORD, BENJAMIN (1813-84) Union Brigadier General; Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – 1833; Veteran of the Mexican & Second Seminole Wars

# 10998

Signature, “Benj[amin] Alvord,” a frank on a 1 ½” x 5 ¾” portion of an imprinted “Paymaster General’s Office” envelope; marked “Personal” by Alvord, with a Washington, D.C. postmark at mid left.

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining.

Price: $50.00

NewAUGUR, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1821-98) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10999

Signed Card, 1 ½” x 3”, “C.C. Augur, Maj[or] Gen[era]l U[nited] S[tates] V[olunteers].”

Evenly toned, with minor chipping at the lower edge.

Price: $70.00

NewBATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Colonel of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# 11081

Signed Card, 2 ¼” x 4”, as Tennessee Governor, “Executive Office, Nashville, Tenn[essee], Wm. B. Bate.”



NewBATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Colonel of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# 10990

Signature, probably war date, with the rank Bates held from enlistment until October 3, 1862, “Wm. B. Bate, Col[onel] 2nd Tenn[essee] Inf[antry],” on a 1 ¼” x 3 ½” slip of paper.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old mounting remnants on the reverse.


NewBEAUREGARD, PIERRE GUSTAVE TOUTANT (1818-93) Confederate General; Commanded the Confederates who began the American Civil War with an artillery assault on Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 11084

Signed Card, 2 ½” x 3 ½”, “G.T. Beauregard, 1891.”  



NewBROWN, EGBERT BENSON (1816-1902) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Lieutenant Colonel of the 7th Missouri Infantry; Saw Civil War action in Missouri, the Indian Territory, and the Trans-Mississippi; Elected Mayor of Toledo, Ohio - 1849

# 11068

Signature & Rank, probably war date, “E.B. Brown, Brig[adier] Gen[eral] Vol[unteer]s,” on a 1” x 3 ¾” slip of lined paper; affixed to slightly larger backing.

Lightly and evenly toned.


Price: $95.00

NewBUCKNER, SIMON BOLIVAR (1823-1914) Confederate Lieutenant General; Surrendered Fort Donelson, Tennessee to Union General Ulysses S. Grant – February, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Kentucky – 1887-91

# 10988

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 7” x 9”, “S.B. Buckner, Maj[or] Gen[era]l Commanding,a manuscript listing of rations, “Abstract of Provisions issued from the 1st to the 31st day of December 1863 to the troops of the Confederate States stationed in the field by Capt[ain] I. Shelby, Jr…”

Lightly and evenly toned, with two horizontal folds.

Price: $525.00

NewBURNHAM, HIRAM (1811-72) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm – September 29, 1864

# 10948

Civil War-Date Document Signed by a Killed-in-Action Union General

Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 12”, “Approved, Hiram Burnham, Col[onel] 6th Maine Vol[unteer]s,” a manuscript “Abstract of articles expended in the public service at Camp near Bell[e] Plains, V[irgini]a…in the month ending on the 31st December 1862.”  Countersigned three times, front and reverse, by Lieutenant Addison P. Buck.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few superficial stains and three horizontal folds.

Price: $295.00

NewBURNHAM, HIRAM (1811-72) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm – September 29, 1864

# 10997

Civil War-Date Document Signed Twice by a Killed-in-Action Colonel, later promoted to the rank of Brigadier General

Document Signed, 8” x 10”, Camp Griffin, Virginia, February 28, 1862, “Hiram Burnham, Col[onel],” a partly printed requisition for personal wood fuel the month.  Signed twice, at the mid and lower right.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few superficial stains and two horizontal folds.

Price: $350.00

NewBUTLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1818-93) Union Major General; U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1867-75 & 1877-79; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Greenback Party - 1884

# 10949

A Handwritten Civil War Pass for Butler’s Brother-in-Law

Civil War-Date Autograph Document Signed, on official 5” x 8” stationery, imprinted “HEAD QUARTERS, Department of Virginia and North Carolina.”

“In the field, June 10, 1864.  Pass Fisher A[mes] Hildreth, Esq[uire] and his wife to visit my Head Q[uarte]rs at Fortress Monroe.  Benj[amin] F. Butler, Maj[or] Gen[era]l Com[mandin]g.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with minor staining at the left edge and the expected folds.

Price: $350.00

CUDWORTH, WARREN HANDEL (1825-83) Union Chaplain - 1st Massachusetts Infantry; Unitarian Pastor; Authored “History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry),” published in 1866

# 10653

Signed Envelope, 3” x 5 ¼”, “Soldier’s Letter, W.H. Cudworth, Chaplain, Mass[achusetts] 1st,” transmittal for a Civil War letter (no longer present) from an unidentified soldier; addressed in another hand, to “Mr. Joseph L. Rand, North Waterford, Maine,” and bearing a “Due 3” postal stampPencil arithmetic notations are on the reverse.

Moderate toning throughout, with the expected wear, soiling, and edge chips and tears.

Price: $95.00

NewFOOTE, ANDREW HULL (1806-1863) Union Navy Officer, promoted to Rear Admiral on July 16, 1862

# 10651

Just days after the capture of Fort Donelson, Foote makes an appointment in the Western Gun Boat Flotilla, while General Ulysses S. Grant emerges as a champion of the Union.

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 8” x 12 ½”, a manuscript order appointing one G.B. Simmonds to the rank of second master.  Fort Donelson, at the time a Confederate installation on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, was surrendered on February 16, 1862, just three days prior to this order.  Union forces, including Flag Officer Foote, were under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant, whose action during the siege, battle, and capitulation – specifically his demand for “unconditional and immediate surrender” of the Confederate command at the fort - propelled him into national prominence.

“Be it known that reposing trust in the honor and ability of G.B. Simmonds, I do hereby appoint him a Second Master in the United States Gun Boat Flotilla on the Western Water to hold authority as a Second Master and to be obeyed by all persons under him in the service.  The appointment to hold good during the pleasure of the Commander in Chief of the Gun Boat Flotilla for the time being.  Given under my hand this 19th day of February A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty two.  A.H. Foote, Com[man]d[in]g U.S. Naval Forces in the Western Waters.”

Overall condition is very good, with light, even toning, a few minor stains, and the expected folds.


NewFRANKLIN, WILLIAM BUEL (1823-1903) U.S. Army Officer; Union Major General during the American Civil War

# 10884
Document Signed, 3 ½” x 8”, Des Moines, Iowa, April 1, 1891, “W.B. Franklin,” a partly printed receipt as treasurer of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.
Lightly and evenly toned.

NewHOOD, JOHN BELL (1831-79) Confederate General; Early-war Colonel of the 4th Texas Infantry

# 11085

Signature, with sentiment, “Yours Truly, J.B. Hood,” on a 2 ¼” x 4 ½” slip of paper.

A large, exceptional example.

Price: $1250.00

NewHUNTON, EPPA (1822-1908) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1892-95; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1873-81

# 11069

Signature, as U.S. Congressman, “Eppa Hunton, Warrenton, V[irgini]a,” on a 2” x 5” portion of an album page.


Price: $195.00

NewJAMES, WILLIAM LEVIS (1833-1903) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Civil War Colonel in the Quartermaster’s Department

# 10888

War-Date Letter Signed – City Point, Virginia, September 1864 – Bills of Lading for the “Steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt.”

Civil War-Date Letter Signed, on an imprinted 7 ½” x 9 ½” form.  Partly printed, with the manuscript portions also being accomplished by James.

“Assistant Quartermaster’s Office, Fort Monroe, V[irgini]a, Sept[ember] 26th 1864.  Captain Col[onel] P.P. Pilkin, A[ssistant] Q[uarter] M[aster] City Point, Va.  Col[onel], I have the honor to enclose herewith, duplicate Bills of Lading for Public Stores, shipped this day per Steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt.  Please endorse and return one at your earliest convenience.  Very respectfully Your Ob[e]d[ien]t Servant, Wm. L. James, Capt[ain] and A[ssistant] Q[uarter] M[aster].”

Lightly and evenly toned, with two horizontal folds; there is a small tear, with minor paper loss, in the upper left corner.

Price: $85.00

NewJOHNSTON, JOSEPH EGGLESTON (1807-91) Confederate General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1879-81

# 11087

Signed Gilt-Edged Card, 1 ¼” x 3 ½”, “J.E. Johnston.”  Affixed to a 4” x 6 ¾” album page, with the violet-ink notation, “January/[18]82” in another hand at lower left.  An unrelated clipping in an unidentified hand and from a larger document or letter is affixed at lower right.


Price: $395.00

NewLOGAN, THOMAS MULDRUP (1840-1914) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina; The youngest general officer in the Confederate Army

# 10954

A Requisition for Hampton’s Legion

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 8” x 11”, Petersburg, Virginia, August 31, 1863, “Approved, T.M. Logan, L[ieutenan]t Col[on el] Com[man]d[in]g Reg[imen]t,” a partly printed requisition “For Quartermaster’s Stores for Hampton Legion, Stationed at Petersburg, V[irgini]a.”

On the brown “necessity paper” commonly used by the Confederate Army at the time, with several minor stains throughout; small tears and chips at the right edges.  While manuscript portions are somewhat light, Logan’s endorsement, at left center, is quite legible.

Price: $495.00

NewLONGSTREET, JAMES (1821-1904) Confederate Lieutenant General – South Carolina

# 11086

Signature, with sentiment, “Respect[full]y Your Ob[edien]t Serv[an]t,” on a 1 ½” x 5 ½” slip of lined paper, possibly removed from a letter.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a vertical fold at mid left.

Price: $595.00

NewMORGAN, JAMES DADA (1810-96) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 10th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Illinois Mormon War & the Mexican War

# 11073

Civil War-Date Document - Pay for a 101st Indiana Infantry soldier who died one week later.

Document Signed, 8 ¼” x 10”, Nashville, Tennessee, May 30, 1863, “James D. Morgan, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Commanding Post,” a partly printed “Certificate to be Given to Discharged Volunteers to Enable them to draw their Pay” for Merrill Ransey (possibly Ramsey), a private in the 101st Indiana Volunteer Infantry.  Further described, “Disease contracted prior to enlistment,” Private Ransey died in Nashville on June 8, 1863, just one week later.  

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered staining; somewhat heavier wear at two horizontal folds.

Price: $145.00
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