Civil War


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NewROBERTS, BENJAMIN STONE (1810-75) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10892

Signature & Rank, “B.S. Roberts, B[reve]t Brig[adie]r Gen[era]l U.S.A.,” on a 1 ½” x 4 ¾” slip of paper.


Price: $70.00

SCATES, WALTER BENNETT (1808-86) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Attorney General of the State of Illinois – 1836-37; Served as Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court – 1855; Collector of Customs for the Port of Chicago – 1866-69

# 10779

Civil War “Special Order,” directing a 13th U.S. Army Officer, mortally wounded at Vicksburg six months later, to report to Camp Butler

Document Signed, 8” x 10”, a manuscript special order, signed twice by Scates at the conclusion, directing 13th U.S. Infantry Captain Edward Crawford Washington, mortally wounded in the May 19, 1863 assault on Vicksburg, Mississippi, to report immediately to Camp Butler, near Springfield, Illinois, to enlist and pay bounty to the newly formed 128th Illinois Infantry.

“Head Quarters Springfield, Ill[inois], December 1, 1862.  Special orders No. 63.  Capt[ain] C. Washington, 13th Infantry, U.S.A. Disbursing Officer & c. Will proceed immediately to Camp Butler and pay bounty & premium to all the enlisted men of 128th Regiment Ill[inoi]s Infantry who have been mustered into the Service of the United States & report to these Head Quarters without delay.  By order of Major General John A. McClernand.  Walter B. Scates, Major & A[ssistant] A[djutant] Gen[era]l.  L[ieutenan]t G.W. Hill Will furnish Capt. Washington transportation.  W.B. Scates, Major & A.A. Genl.”

Exhibits the expected soiling, toning, and wear; water staining and clean separation, with no loss of paper, at the upper of two horizontal folds.


SCHENCK, ROBERT CUMMING (1809-90) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1843-51 & 1863-71

# 10979

Franking Signature, as a post-war U.S. Representative from Ohio, “Robt. C. Schenck, M[ember] C[ongress],” on a 1 ½” x 5 ¼” portion of an envelope, with portions of the recipient’s address in Schenck’s hand beneath and a Washington, D.C. postmark at left.

Irregularly torn at the lower and left edges.

Price: $45.00

SCHENCK, ROBERT CUMMING (1809-90) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1843-51 & 1863-71

# 11037

Signature, as U.S. Representative, “Robt. C. Schenck, Ohio,” on a 5 ¾” x 8 ¾” portion of an album page.


Price: $55.00

SEDDON, JAMES ALEXANDER (1815-80) Confederate Secretary of War – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1845-47 & 1849-51

# 10947

Appointing an Officer in the 61st Virginia Infantry

Civil War-Date Document Signed, on imprinted 8” x 10” Confederate War Department stationery, Richmond, Virginia, May 12, 1864, “James A. Seddon,” a partly printed appointment for William Henry Stewart to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the 61st Virginia Infantry.  The unit was heavily engaged at the Civil War battles of Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor, Stewart being wounded at all three.

Lightly and evenly toned, with scattered stains and several chips at the corners and edges; there is a water stain at the lower left, well away from Seddon’s signature, and clean separation at two horizontal folds has been reinforced with archival tape on the reverse.


SHERIDAN, PHILIP HENRY (1831-88) Union Major General; Veteran of the Indian Wars; U.S. Army General – 1888; Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army – 1883-88

# 11038

Signed Card, 2” x 3 ¼”, with rank, “P.H. Sheridan, L[ieutenan]t General, U.S.A.”

Excellent, with light, even toning and several small areas of very minor bleeding of ink.


NewSMITH, GUSTAVUS WOODSON (1821-96) Confederate Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10923

A West Point, New York Postmark

Autograph Letter Signed, 7 ¾” x 9 ¾”.  As a young, antebellum U.S. Army officer, Smith communicates regarding the conveyance of funds.  Addressed by Smith to a banking company in New Orleans, the integral leaf bears a desirable postmark from West Point, New York, home of the U.S. Military Academy, where Smith was at the time employed as an instructor. 

“West Point, N[ew] Y[ork], Dec[ember] 20th 1850. 

Messrs. Watts & De Saulles,


I received yesterday yours of the 9th Dec[ember], enclosing “original of J. Corning & Co[mpany]’s check on Corning & Co[mpany] New York,” dated Dec[ember] 9th No. 27089 in my favor for five hundred dollars, $500.  I will in compliance with your request acknowledge the receipt of the same to M.A. Smith by this days mail.

Very Respectfully Yours,
Gus. W. Smith, 
Capt[ain] U.S. Army.”

Heavier staining and wear at the edges, with the expected folds and a few chips at the edges; there is significant wrinkling of paper in the lower corners and edges, all well away from the text of the letter.


SMITH, MORGAN LEWIS (1822-74) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 8th Missouri Infantry

# 11077

Signature & Rank, “M.L. Smith, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l Vol[unteers],” on a ¾” x 2 ¼” slip of paper, probably removed from a war-date document.  Affixed to slightly larger backing.

General soiling, staining, and wear.


STEPHENS, ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1812-83) Confederate Vice President; U.S. Congressman – Georgia – 1843-59 & 1873-82; Governor of Georgia – 1882-83

# 10652

Franked Envelope, 3” x 5 ¼”, “Free, Alexander H. Stephens, M[ember] C[ongress],” also addressed by Stephens, to “John L. Stephens, La Grange, G[eorgi]a,” a recurring correspondent.  Stephens was frail and frequently ill, even as a young man, this atypical signature being an obvious example from one of his unsteady periods.

General soiling and wear, with numerous small tears and breaks at the edges.


NewSTOKES, WILLIAM BRICKLY (1814-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 5th Tennessee Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1859-61 & 1866-71

# 10890

Signature, as post-war U.S. Representative, “W.B. Stokes, Alexandria Tenn[essee],” on a 3” x 5” portion of an album page.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old binding traces at the left.

Price: $50.00

NewSTOUGHTON, WILLIAM LEWIS (1827-88) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 11th Michigan Infantry; U.S Representative – Michigan – 1869-73

# 10887

Signature, as U.S. Representative, “Wm. L. Stoughton, M[ember] C[ongress],” on a 1 ¼” x 3 ¾” lightly and evenly toned portion of an album page.

Price: $45.00

NewSTUART, JAMES EWELL BROWN “Jeb” (1833-1864) Confederate Major General - Virginia; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Virginia – May 11, 1864

# 09167

Civil War-Date

Signed Postal Cover, 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”, homemade from a printed 1862 Confederate military document, addressed to his wife, “Mrs. Flora Stuart, H[ea]d Q[uarte]rs Cav[alry] Div[isio]n, Army N[orthern] V[irgini]a.”  Also signed at the upper left corner by Confederate Colonel and Aide-de-Camp Samuel Bassett French.

Front and reverse portions are detached, from heavy wear at the edges; several chips and tears at the edges affect none of the text.

Price: $1950.00

NewTHAYER, JOHN MILTON (1820-1906) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Nebraska – 1867-71; Governor of Wyoming Territory – 1875-78; Governor of Nebraska – 1887-92; Veteran of the 1850s Indian Wars

# 10995

Signature, “John M. Thayer, Nebraska,” an enormous example as U.S. Senator on a 4 ½” x 7” album page.

Excellent, with light, even toning.

Price: $75.00

THOMAS, GEORGE HENRY (1816-70) Union Major General during the American Civil War, known as the “Rock of Chickamauga”; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10996

Civil War-Date Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 10”, partly printed, “Geo[rge] H. Thomas, Maj[or] Gen[era]l U[nited] S[tates] V[olunteers], Received in the Field the 10[th] of May, 1862…,a requisition for a tent and tent supplies; countersigned by Captain Oscar Addison Mack of the 13th U.S. Infantry, a New Hampshire native who died on October 22, 1876.

Lightly and evenly toned, with a few scattered stains and the expected horizontal creases.


NewVANDEVER, WILLIAM (1817-93) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 9th Iowa Volunteer Infantry; U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1859-61; U.S. Representative – California – 1887-91

# 10895

Signature, “Wm. Vandever, Iowa,” as U.S. Representative, on a 1 ¾” x 4 ¾” portion of an album page.

Lightly and evenly toned.

Price: $50.00

NewVON STEINWEHR, ADOLPH WILHELM (1822-77) German-born Union General – New York; Namesake of a major highway through the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Battlefield

# 12087

Civil War-Date

Autograph Letter Signed, 7 ¾” x 9 ¾”, as early-war colonel of the 29th New York Volunteer Infantry, informing the New York adjutant general of an appointment.

“New York, June 4th 1861. 

Gen[e]r[a]l S. Meredith Read, Jr., Adjutant General.


I have the honor to inform you, that I have appointed Mr. Wm. Livingstone Rogers Paymaster of the 29th Regiment.

Mr. Rogers will present two sureties, recognizing in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars each, to his Excellency, Governor Morgan, for approval, and then report for duty.

Your very ob[e]d[ien]t Servant,
Col[onel] A. von Steinwehr,
Com[man]d[in]g 29th Reg[imen]t.”

Lightly and evenly toned, with the usual folds and light creases; paper loss at the lower left corner, well away from all text.


NewWADE, JAMES FRANKLIN (1843-1921) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th U.S. Colored Cavalry; Postbellum service commanding the 9th & 10th U.S. Cavalries, “Buffalo Soldiers”; U.S. Major General - Spanish-American War

# 10897

Signed Card, 2 ¼” x 4”, with rank, “J.F.Wade, Brig[adier] Gen[era]l U.S.A.”

Excellent, with light, even toning.

Price: $60.00

NewWEBSTER, JOSEPH DANA (1811-76) Union Brigadier General; Early-war service as chief of staff for General Ulysses S. Grant; Veteran of the Mexican War

# 10894

Signature & Rank, “J.D. Webster, B[rigadier] G[eneral],” on a 1” x 3” slip of lined paper.

Lightly and evenly toned, with old hinge remnants on the reverse.

Price: $75.00

NewWHEELER, JOSEPH (1836-1906) Confederate Major General; U.S. Army Major General of Volunteers during the Spanish-American War; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1881-83 & 1885-1900

# 09168

Document Signed, 7 ¾” x 12 ½”, March 15, 1879, Lawrence County, Alabama, “Jos. Wheeler,” a partly printed legal document; accomplished in a clerical hand and signed by Wheeler beneath.

Moderate toning and wear, with a few small holes along the usual horizontal folds; heavier staining at center; chipping and irregularity at the edges and corners.  


WICKHAM, WILLIAMS CARTER (1820-88) Confederate Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Virginia Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – 1864-65

# 10776

Leave of Absence for a 4th Virginia Cavalry Officer – Killed-in-Action just two weeks later at the Battle of First Bull Run

Civil War-Date Autograph Letter Signed, 7 ¾” x 9 ¾”.  Writing to his wife from his northern Virginia headquarters just two weeks before the Battle of First Manassas, the opening major engagement of the American Civil War in the East, Wickham informs her of the leave of absence for an officer in the 4th Virginia Cavalry.

“Fairfax C[ourt] H[ouse] [Virginia], July 5th 1861.  My beloved Lucy, L[ieutenan]t Bowles has a four days leave of absence and as Robin is very anxious to go home for a day or two I have determined to let him go down on tuesday morning.  Be sure to see that he gets off on Tuesday morning.  It is after ten o’clock and I have just got in from an expedition so you must excuse the shortness of my letter on account of my weariness.  I got your letter this morning and was glad to hear that Mary Fanning was coming on.  I will write again in a day or two.  I never was in better health in my life.  Your own husband, Wm. C. Wickham.”

The named officer, Boldman Bowles, here referred to in an informal first name, is quite possibly a family friend or neighbor in Hancock County, Virginia.  Modern records, courtesy of Historical Data Systems, Inc., as follows: “Boldman Bowles.  Residence was not listed; a 34 year-old farmer.  Enlisted on 5/9/1861 at Ashland, VA as a 2nd Lieutenant.  On 5/9/1861 he was commissioned into ‘H’ Co. VA 4th Cavalry.  He was Killed on 7/21/1861 at Bull Run, VA (Shot in head).”

Overall condition is excellent, with minor separation at the edges of the expected folds; there are two tiny holes in the extreme lower margin, well away from all text.

Price: $1450.00
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