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WILLIAMS, ALPHEUS STARKEY (1810-78) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Michigan – 1875-78

# williamsalpheusstarkey

WILLIAMS, JOHN STUART (1818-98) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Kentucky – 1879-85

# williamsjohnstuart

WILLIAMS, JONATHAN (1751-1815) First Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – 1802-03 & 1805-1812; Nephew of Benjamin Franklin

# williamsjonathan

WILLIAMS, OTHO H. (1749-94) American Revolutionary War, Brigadier General in the Continental Army; Saw Action at the Battles of Fort Washington, Monmouth, and Cowpens

# williamsothoh

WILLIAMS, REUBEN (1831-1905) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 12th Indiana Infantry

# williamsreuben

WILLIAMS, ROBERT (1829-1901) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry; Served on the staff of General Nathaniel P. Banks

# williamsrobert

WILLIAMS, SETH (1822-66) Union Brigadier General - Maine

# williamsseth

* With John F. Reynolds, Abner Doubleday, William F. Rogers
** With Joseph Hooker, Joseph F. Knipe, Henry W. Slocum

WILLIAMS, THOMAS R. (1815-62) Union Brigadier General; Killed in Action during the Battle of Baton Rouge, Louisiana – August 5, 1862; Veteran of the Black Hawk, Seminole, and Mexican Wars

# williamsthomasr

WILLIAMSON, HUGH (1735-1819) Signer of the U.S. Constitution; North Carolina State Physician & Surgeon General during the American Revolutionary War; U.S. Representative – North Carolina – 1791-93

# williamsonhugh

WILLIAMSON, JAMES ALEXANDER (1829-1902) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Iowa Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou – December 29, 1862

# williamsonjamesalexander

WILLICH, AUGUST (1810-78) Prussian-born Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 32nd Indiana Infantry

# willichaugust

WILLIS, EDWARD SHACKLEFORD (1840-64) Confederate Brigadier General; Colonel of the 12th Georgia Infantry; Killed-in-Action at Bethesda Church, Virginia – May 30, 1864

# willisedwardshackleford

WILLITTS, EDWIN (1830-96) U.S. Congressman – Michigan – 1877-83; First Assistant U.S. Secretary of Agriculture – 1889-93

# willittsedwin

WILMOT, DAVID (1814-68) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania - 1845-51; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1861-63; Authored the “Wilmot Proviso” in 1846, intending to outlaw slavery in the Western Territories acquired by the United States in the Mexican War

# wilmotd

WILSON, CLAUDIUS CHARLES (1831-63) Confederate Brigadier General

# wilsonclaudiuscharles

WILSON, EDITH BOLLING (1872-1961) U.S. First Lady – 1915-21; Second Wife of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson

# wilsonedithbolling

WILSON, ELLEN A. (1860-1914) U.S. First Lady – 1913-14; First Wife of President Woodrow Wilson

# wilsonellena

WILSON, HAROLD (1916-95) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - 1964-70 & 1974-76; Leader of the Labour Party – 1963-76; Member of Parliament - 1945-83

# wilsonharold

WILSON, HENRY (1812-75) U.S. Vice President - 1873-75 - Died in Office; U.S. Senator – Massachusetts – 1855-73

# wilsonhenry

WILSON, JAMES (1742-98) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Signer of the U.S. Constitution; Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1789-98

# wilsonjames
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