Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
3402 Items.  Showing Items 381 thru 400.
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BLIGH, WILLIAM (1754-1817) British Navy Officer; Commander of the HMS Bounty, mutinied in 1789; Governor of New South Wales – 1806-08

# blighw

BLISS, ARCHIBALD M. (1838-1923) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-83 & 1885-89; President & Vice President of the Bushwick Railroad Company – 1868-78; Director of the New York & Long Island Bridge Company

# blissarchibaldm

BLISS, ZENAS R. (1835-1900) Union Colonel – 7th & 10th Rhode Island Infantry; Medal of Honor Recipient for the Battle of Fredericksburg

# blisszenasr

BLOMBERG, WERNER VON (1878-1946) Minister of War & Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in Nazi Germany – 1935-38

# blombergwernervon

BLOUNT, WILLIAM (1749-1800) Signer of the U.S. Constitution; Governor of the Southwest Territory – 1790-96; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1796-97

# blountwilliam

BLOUNT, WILLIE (1768-1835) Governor of Tennessee – 1809-15

# blountwillie

BLOXHAM, WILLIAM DUNNINGTON (1835-1911) Governor of Florida - 1881-85 & 1897-1901

# bloxhamwulliamdunnington

BLUMENTHAL, WERNER MICHAEL (1926- ) U.S. Treasury Secretary - 1977-79

# blumenthalwernermichael

BLUNT, ASA PEABODY (1826-89) Union Brevet Brigadier General - Vermont

# bluntasapeabody

BLUNT, JAMES GILLPATRICK (1826-81) Union Major General

# bluntjamesgillpatrick

BOAS, NORMAN FRANCIS (1923-2016) American Author, Autograph Dealer, and Lincoln Scholar

# boasnormanfrancis

* With Charles Hamilton & Lloyd Ostendorf

BOCCAGE, ANNE-MARIE DU (1710-1802) French Writer & Playwright.

# boccageannemarie

BOCCHERINI, LUIGI (1743-1805) Italian-born Spanish Composer

# boccheriniluigi

BOCOCK, THOMAS S. (1815-91) Speaker of the Confederate House of Representatives – 1862-65; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1847-61

# bocockthomass

BOEING, WILLIAM EDWARD (1881-1956) American Aviation Pioneer

# boeingwilliamedward

BOERHAAVE, HERMAN (1668-1738) Dutch Botanist & Chemist,

# boerhaaveherman

BOGGS, WILLIAM ROBERTSON (1829-1911) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# boggswilliamrobertson

BOIES, HENRY MORRIS (1818-80) Prominent Merchant & Banker in Chicago, Illinois; Michigan State Senator

# boieshenrymorris

BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICOLAS (1636-1711) French Poet & Critic

# boileaudespreauxnicolas

BOMFORD, JAMES VOTY (1812-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 8th U.S. Infantry; Staff Officer to General Alexander M. McCook

# bomfordjamesvoty
3402 Items.  Showing Items 381 thru 400.
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