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3383 Items.  Showing Items 1281 thru 1300.
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GEORGE, WALTER FRANKLIN (1878-1957) U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1922-57

# georgewalterfranklin

GEROMINO (1829-1909) American Apache Indian Leader

# geronimo

GERSHWIN, GEORGE (1898-1937) American Pianist & Composer

# gershwingeorge

GETTY, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1819-1901) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# gettygeorgewashington

GETTY, JOHN PAUL (1892-1976) American-born British Petroleum Industrialist; Founder of Getty Oil Company

# gettyjohnpaul

GHOLSON, SAMUEL JAMESON (1808-83) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1836-38

# gholsonsamueljameson

GHOLSON, THOMAS SAUNDERS (1808-68) Confederate Congressman - Virginia – 1864-65

# gholsonthomassaunders

GIBBON, EDWARD (1737-94) English Historian; Author of “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”; Member of Parliament – 1774-84

# gibbonedward

GIBBON, JOHN (1827-96) Union Major General – Pennsylvania; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# gibbonjohn

GIBBS, ALFRED (1823-68) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Apache Wars

# gibbsalfred

GIBSON, JOHN (1740-1822) Indian Fighter; Veteran of the French & Indian War, the American Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812; Secretary of the Indiana Territory – 1800-16; Acting Governor of the Indiana Territory – 1812-13

# gibsonjohn

GIBSON, RANDALL LEE (1832-92) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative - Louisiana – 1875-83; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1883-92

# gibsonrandalllee

GIFFORD, WILLIAM (1756-1826) English Critic, Editor, and Poet

# giffordwilliam

GILBERT, CHARLES CHAMPION (1822-1903) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# gilbertcharleschampion

GILBERT, DAVIES (1767-1839) English Engineer, Author, and Politician; Member of Parliament – 1804-32

# gilbertdavies

GILBERT, JAMES ISHAM (1823-84) Union Brigadier General

# gilbertjamesisham

GILLEM, ALVAN CULLEM (1830-75) Union Brigadier General - Tennessee

# gillemalvancullem

GILLETT, JOHN DEAN (1819-88) Prominent Cattleman & Landowner in Elkhart, Illinois, known as the “Cattle King of Illinois”

# gillettjohndean

GILLETTE, FRANCIS (1807-79) U.S. Senator - Connecticut – 1854-55

# gillettefrancis

GILLMORE, QUINCY ADAMS (1825-88) Union Major General - Ohio

# gillmorequincyadams

* With Abraham Lincoln, Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson

3383 Items.  Showing Items 1281 thru 1300.
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