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CHILDS, FREDERICK LYNN (1831-94) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel

# childsfredericklynn

CHILTON, ROBERT HALL (1815-79) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# chiltonroberthall

CHILTON, WILLIAM PARISH (1810-71) Confederate Congressman – Alabama – 1861-62

# chiltonwilliamparish

CHINIQUY, CHARLES (1809-99) Canadian-Born Catholic Priest; Settled in Kankakee, Illinois; Was defended in an 1855 libel lawsuit by Abraham Lincoln

# chiniquycharles

Denounced the Catholic Church in mid-life, warning that importing thousands of immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and France, the American Civil War, and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln were Vatican plots to take over the United States.


CHIPMAN, HENRY LAURENS (1823-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 102nd U.S. Colored Infantry

# chipmanhenrylaurens

CHITTENDEN, SIMEON B. (1814-89) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1874-81

# chittendensimeonb

CHRISMAN, JAMES STONE (1818-81) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1853-55

# chrismanjamesstone

CHRISTENSEN, CHRISTIAN THOMSEN (1832-1905) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# christensenchristianthomsen

CHRYSLER, MORGAN HENRY (1822-90) Union Brigadier General

# chrylsermorganhenry

CHRYSLER, WALTER PERCY (1875-1940) American Automotive Pioneer; Founder of the Chrysler Corporation

# chryslerwalterpercy

CHURCHILL, CLEMENTINE S. (1885-1977) Wife of Winston Churchill

# churchillclementines

CHURCHILL, THOMAS JAMES (1824-1905) Confederate Major General – Arkansas; Governor of Arkansas – 1881-83

# churchillthomasjames

CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. (1874-1965) Prime Minister of England – 1940-45 & 1951-55

# churchillwinstons

CHURCHWELL, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY (1826-62) Confederate Colonel – 34th Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1851-55

# churchwellwilliammontgomery

CIENFUEGOS, CAMILO (1932-59) Prominent Figure in the Cuban Revolutionary Army

# cienguegoscamilo

CINQUE, JOSEPH (circa 1814-79) Kidnapped West African, led the revolt aboard the "Amistad" in 1839

# cinquej

CIST, HENRY MARTYN (1839-1902) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# cisthenrymartyn

CLAIBORNE, JOHN M. (1839-1909) Confederate Officer – 8th Texas Cavalry, known as Terry’s Texas Rangers; Served under Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph Wheeler, and John Wharton, and was wounded three times during the Civil War

# claibornejohnm

Joined President Jefferson Davis and General John C. Breckinridge after they fled Richmond, and was captured by Union Troops near Cedartown, Georgia on May 15, 1865; Editor of a Texas newspaper, the “New Birmingham Times,” in the 1890s

CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLE (1775-1817) First Governor of Mississippi Territory – 1801; First Governor of Orleans Territory – 1804-12; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1817; Veteran of the Battle of New Orleans

# claibornewilliamcharlescole

CLANTON, JAMES HOLT (1827-71) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama

# clantonjamesholt
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