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BROWARD, MONTGOMERY LAFAYETTE (1833-98) Confederate Soldier; Prominent resident of Duval County, Florida

# browardmaontgomerylafayette

BROWN, AARON VENABLE (1795-1859) U.S. Postmaster General – 1857-59; Governor of Tennessee – 1845-47; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1839-45

# brownaaronvenable

BROWN, ALBERT GALLATIN (1813-80) Confederate Congressman – 1862-65; Governor of Mississippi – 1844-48; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1854-61

# brownalbertgallatin

BROWN, EGBERT BENSON (1816-1902) Union Brigadier General

# brownegbertbenson

BROWN, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1815-95) Notable Inventor & Manufacturer in Galesburg, Illinois; Invented the “Brown Corn Planter” in 1851

# browngeorgewashington

BROWN, HARVEY (1795-1874) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# brownharvey

BROWN, IRA (1835-1921) Successful Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Invested in large tracts of land in the suburbs of Chicago and San Diego, California

# brownira

BROWN, JOHN (1800-59) American Abolitionist; Seized the U.S. Arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, October 1859, and was hanged in Charlestown on December 2, 1859

# brownjohn

BROWN, JOHN CALVIN (1827-89) Confederate Major General – Tennessee; Governor of Tennessee 1871-75

# brownjohncalvin

BROWN, JOHN, JR. (1821-95) Eldest child of noted Abolitionist John Brown; Civil War Union Captain – 7th Kansas Infantry, Jennison’s Jayhawkers

# brownjohnjr

BROWN, JOSEPH EMERSON (1821-94) Governor of Georgia – 1857-65; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1880-91

# brownjosephemerson

BROWN, NATHAN WILLIAMS (1819-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownnathanwilliams

BROWN, PHILIP PERRY, JR. (1823-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownphilipperryjr

BROWN, SAMUEL LOCKWOOD (1825-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brownsamuellockwood

BROWN, THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN (1835-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Officer – 51st Illinois Infantry

# browntheodorefrelinghuysen

BROWNE, THOMAS M. (1829-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 7th Indiana Cavalry; U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1877-91

# brownethomasm

BROWNE, WILLIAM HENRY (1825-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# brownewilliamhenry

BROWNE, WILLIAM MONTAGUE (1823-83) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Secretary of State ad interim, February 17 - March 18, 1862

# brownewilliammontague

BROWNING, ORVILLE HICKMAN (1806-81) U.S. Interior Secretary – 1866-69; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1861-63; Lifelong friend of Abraham Lincoln

# browningorvillehickman

BRUCE, BLANCHE KELSO (1841-98) U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1875-81; First elected African-American Senator to serve a full term; Register of the U.S. Treasury – 1881-85 & 1897-98

# bruceblanchekelso

Signatures as U.S. Senator from Mississippi.

3402 Items.  Showing Items 501 thru 520.
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