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BREMER, SIR JAMES JOHN GORDON (1786-1850) Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy; Commander-in-Chief of British Naval Forces during the First Anglo-Chinese War – 1839-41; Served in the Napoleonic Wars

# bremersjjg

BRENNAN, WILLIAM J., JR. (1906-97) Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1956-90

# brennamwjjr

BRENT, GEORGE WILLIAM (1821-72) Confederate Colonel – 17th Virginia Infantry; Staff officer to Confederate Generals Braxton Bragg, P.G.T. Beauregard, and Joseph Johnston

# brentgeorgewilliam

BRENTANO, AUGUST (1828-86) Austrian-Born Newspaper Dealer in New York City

# brentanoa

BRENTON, SAMUEL (1810-57) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1851-53 & 1855-57

# brentons

BRETON, ANDRE (1896-1966) French Writer & Poet

# bretonandre

BREVARD, THEODORE WASHINGTON, JR. (1835- 82) Confederate Brigadier General - Florida

# brevardtheodorewashingtonjr

BREWER, DAVID J. (1837-1910) U.S. Supreme Associate Court Justice – 1889-1910

# brewerdj

BREWER, MARK S. (1837-1901) U.S. Congressman – Michigan – 1877-81 & 1887-91

# brewerms

BREWSTER, DAVID (1781-1868) British Scientist, Inventor, and Author; Principal of the University of St. Andrews – 1837-59; Principal of the University of Edinburgh – 1859-68

# brewsterdavid

BREWSTER, HENRY A. (?-?) American Clergyman, instrumental in the founding of Howard University

# brewsterhenrya

BRICE, BENJAMIN W. (1806-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel & Paymaster General

# bricebenjaminw

BRIDGERS, ROBERT RUFUS (1819-88) Confederate Congressman – North Carolina - 1862-65

# bridgersrobertrufus

BRIDGMAN, LAURA D. (1829-89) Blind & Deaf-Mute Celebrity

# bridgmanl

BRIGGS, GEORGE NIXON (1796-1861) Governor of Massachusetts – 1844-51; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1831-43

# briggsgeorgenixon

BRIGGS, HENRY SHAW (1824-87) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# briggshenryshaw

BRIGHT, JOHN MORGAN (1817-1911) Confederate Brigadier General of Tennessee Militia – Served on the staff of Governor Isham G. Harris – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1871-81

# brightjohnmorgan

BRINKERHOFF, JACOB (1810-80) U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1843-47

# brinkerhoffjacob

BRINKERHOFF, ROELIFF (1828-1911) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# brinkerhoffroeliff

BRINVILLIERS, MARIE-MADELEINE D’AUBRAY, MARQUISE DE (1630-76) French Aristocrat, convicted for the murder of her father and two of her sons, executed on July 16, 1676

# brinvilliersmareimadeleinedaubraymarquisede
3402 Items.  Showing Items 461 thru 480.
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