Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
BRISBIN, JAMES SANKS (1837-92) Union Brigadier General
# brisbinjamessanks
Signature & Rank
BRISCOE, JAMES C. (1835-69) Union Brevet Brigadier General – Brevetted to Rank for Gallantry in the Assault on Fort Gregg, Virginia; Union Captain – 40th New York Infantry; Union Colonel – 188th & 199th Pennsylvania Infantries
# briscoejc
Signed Card 1865 10 22
BRISTOW, BENJAMIN HELM (1832-96) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1874-76; Union Colonel during the American Civil War, wounded at the Battle of Shiloh
# bristowbh
BROCK, WILLIAM EMERSON (1872-1950) U.S. Senator - Tennessee - 1929 to 1931
# brockwe
Signature 1930 01 27
BROCKENBROUGH, JOHN WHITE (1806-77) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1861-62
# brockenbroughjohnwhite
BRODERICK, CASE (1839-1920) U.S. Representative – Kansas – 1891-99; Served in the 2nd Kansas Light Artillery Battery during the American Civil War
# broderickc
BRODHEAD, RICHARD (1811-63) U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1851-57; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1843-49
# brodheadr
Signature as US Congressman
BROGDEN, CURTIS H. (1816-1901) Governor of North Carolina – 1874-77; U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1877-79
# brogdench
BRONTE, ANNE (1820-49) English Novelist & Poet
# bronteanne
Autograph Manuscript Signed
BRONTE, CHARLOTTE (1816-55) English Novelist & Poet, best known for “Jane Eyre” & “Villette”
# brontecharlotte
Autograph Manuscript Signed 1838 07 07
Autograph Letter Signed 1848 11 16 pgs1&4
Autograph Letter Signed 1848 11 16 pgs2&3
Autograph Letter Signed 1851 07 26
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BRONTE, EMILY JANE (1818-48) English Novelist & Poet, best known for her only novel, “Wuthering Heights”
# bronteemilyjane
Autograph Letter Signed 1843 05 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1843 05 pg2
Autograph Letter Signed 1843 05 (3) transcription
Autograph Letter Signed 1843 05 (4)
BROOKE, JOHN RUTTER (1838-1926) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Major General during the Spanish-American War
# brookejohnrutter
Signature & Rank
BROOKE, RUPERT CHAWNER (1877-1915) English Poet
# brookerupertchawner
BROOKE, WALKER (1813-69) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi - 1861-62; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1852-53
# brookewalker
BROOKS, PHILLIPS (1835-93) American Clergyman; Author of “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
# brooksphillips
Autograph Letter Signed 1886 03 28 (1)
Autograph Letter Signed 1886 03 28 (2)
Autograph Letter Signed 1889 09 18 (1)
Autograph Letter Signed 1889 09 18 (2)
BROOKS, PRESTON S. (1819-57) U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1853-57; Severely beat abolitionist Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner in the Senate Chamber on May 22, 1856
# brooksps
Signature as US Senator from South Carolina
BROOKS, WILLIAM S. (1822-92) Prominent Businessman in Joliet, Illinois; President of the Joliet Iron and Steel Rolling Mills; Elected to the Illinois State House of Representatives in 1870, and the Illinois State Senate, 1872
# brooksws
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BROOKS, WILLIAM THOMAS HARBAUGH (1821-70) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars
# brookswilliamthomasharbaugh
Signature & Rank
BROSS, WILLIAM J. (1813-90) Lieutenant Governor of Illinois – 1865-69; Early Republican Party supporter, campaigned for John C. Fremont in 1856 and Abraham Lincoln in 1860; Helped raise the 29th U.S. Colored Infantry during the American Civil War
# brosswilliamj
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BROUGHAM, HENRY (1778-1868) English Politician; Member of Parliament – 1810-12 & 1815-68; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain – 1830-34
# broughamhenry
Printed facsimile signature (early) on an engraving
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving