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GORING, HERMANN (1893-1946) German Nazi Politician & Military Leader; Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe – 1935-45; President of the Reichstag – 1932-45

# goringhermann

GORKY, MAXIM (1868-1936) Russian Writer & Political Activist

# gorkymaxim

GORMAN, WILLIS ARNOLD (1816-76) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 1st Minnesota Infantry; Minnesota Territory Governor – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Indiana – 1849-53; Veteran of the Mexican War

# gormanwillisarnold

GOULD, JASON "JAY" (1836-92) American Railroad Magnate & Financial Speculator

# gpouldjay

GOVAN, DANIEL CHEVILETTE (1829-1911) Confederate Brigadier General; Early-war Colonel of the 2nd Arkansas Infantry; Led a brigade in the Army of Tennessee at the Battles of Franklin & Nashville; U.S. Indian Agent in Tulalip, Washington - 1894-97

# govandanielchevilette

GRACIE, ARCHIBALD, JR. (1832-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Alabama; Killed-in-Action at Petersburg, Virginia – December 2, 1864

# graciearchibaldjr

GRAHAM, CHARLES KINNAIRD (1824-89) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 74th New York Infantry, the “Excelsior Brigade”; Wounded & captured at the Battle of Gettysburg

# grahamcharleskinnaird

GRAHAM, LAWRENCE PIKE (1815-1905) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# grahamlawrencepike

GRAHAM, ROBERT FLADGER (1833-74) Confederate Colonel – 21st South Carolina Infantry

# grahamrobertfladger

GRAHAM, SAMUEL (1813-84) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 5th New York Heavy Artillery

# grahamsamuel

GRAHAM, THOMAS, 1st BARON LYNEDOCH ( 1748-1843) British Army Officer during the French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars, attained the rank of General

# grahamthomasbaronlynedoch

GRAHAM, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (1804-75) Confederate Senator – North Carolina – 1864-65; U.S. Navy Secretary – 1850-52; Governor of North Carolina – 1845-49; U.S. Senator – North Carolina – 1840-43

# grahamwilliamalexander

GRAHAM, WILLIAM MONTROSE (1834-1916) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Army Brigadier General in the Spanish-American War

# grahamwilliammontrose

GRANBURY, HIRAM BRONSON (1831-64) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee - November 30, 1864; Namesake of Granbury, Texas

# granburyhirambronson

GRANGER, FRANCIS (1792-1868) U.S. Representative – New York – 1835-37 & 1839-43; U.S. Postmaster General - 1841

# grangerfrancis

GRANGER, GORDON (1822-1876) Union Major General – New York; Veteran of the Mexican War

# grangergordon

GRANGER, ROBERT SEAMAN (1816-94) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# grangerrobertseaman

GRANT, FREDERICK DENT (1850-1912) U.S. Army Major General; Veteran of the Spanish-American War; Son of Ulysses S. & Julia Dent Grant

# grantfrederickdent

GRANT, LEWIS ADDISON (1829-1918) Union Brigadier General – Vermont; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for the capture of three regimental flags at the Battle of Chancellorsville

# grantlewisaddison

GRANT, ULYSSES S. (1822-85) Eighteenth U.S. President – 1869-77; Union Lieutenant General, during the American Civil War; Commanding General of the Army of the United States – 1864-69

# grantulyssess
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